Vol. 7, no. 2, 2023
A. A. Gladenko, A. V. Zinovyeva, V. I. Karagusov. Study of thermal performance of a solar collector-based hydraulic system DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-9-14 Radiation life support systems, such as solar collectors, are highly efficient, have an almost unlimited resource, and do not use complex technologies. Technologies of heating, heating and hot water supply are implemented quite simply. Such systems use the energy of solar radiation, which is carbon-free, environmentally friendly and renewable. This energy is converted into thermal radiation by solar collectors and transferred to heated rooms using hydraulic or pneumatic systems. For low-rise detached buildings such as cottages and rural houses, hydraulic systems are more promising due to the greater heat capacity of water or non-freezing liquids compared to air. This paper discusses experimental and computational studies of the radiation life support system carried out in 2018–2021. It is possible to determine the thermal performance and geometric dimensions of solar collectors with the accuracy necessary for practice by calculations based on experimental data. It is possible to obtain missing experimental data using interpolation, extrapolation and similarity theory. Keywords: solar collector, solar radiation, thermal performance, hydro system, renewable energy sources. |
9-14 |
A. V. Mesropyan, Yu. A. Shabelnik. The question of the efficiency of the workflow of loop propellers DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-15-21 The purpose of the work is to find ways to improve the characteristics of water propellers. Taking into account that propellers are the most widely used, considered one of the possible promising schemes - a loop-shaped propeller, which makes it possible to significantly improve the hydrodynamic, acoustic, vibration and cavitation characteristics of the propeller. The work uses numerical simulation, on the basis of which the propeller action curves are calculated to identify the influence of geometric parameters of the loop propeller on its working process. A comparison of various variants of loop propellers is carried out, identified the most perspective combination of geometric parameters. The requirements for the propulsors of perspective ships set the task of increasing the efficiency of propellers, which are solved by parametric optimization of the geometry of non-traditional schematic solutions of propellers. Keywords: propellers, loop propellers, numerical simulation, propeller action curves, perspective ships. |
15–21 |
A. G. Nikiforov L. A. Muslova. The analysis of permissible radial clearance in a piston-cylinder seal DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-22-26 In this research work, the influence of the radial clearance on the tightness coefficient of the working chamber with different cylinder diameters is considered. The main design scheme with the accepted assumptions is given. As a result of the study, recommendations are given for choosing the allowable radial clearance in the design and calculation of a reciprocating compressor. Keywords: reciprocating compressor, leaks, radial clearance, feed rate, piston-cylinder seals. |
22–26 |
V. L. Yusha, A. Yu. Gromov, P. V. Ushakov. Adjustment of condensing temperature of thevapor-compression heat pump based on a reciprocating long-stroke compressor stage at fixed temperatures of receiving coolant DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-27-35 The theoretical cycle of a heat pump is considered, which is implemented, among other things, on the basis of a reciprocating long-stroke low-speed compressor stage at fixed temperatures of the receiving coolant. The energy components are the indicated power of the compressor, the heating capacity of the consumer, the additional heating capacity supplied to the working fluid of the heat pump before the compression process, as well as the additional heating capacity supplied to the working fluid of the heat pump or removed from it during the compression process. As independent control parameters, the following are considered: the ratio of the mass flow rates of the working fluid of the heat pump and the receiving coolant; overheating of the working fluid of the heat pump at suction and compression polytropic index. The analysis of possible design and non-design modes of operation of the heat pump with fixed operating parameters of the consumer is carried out. A technique has been developed for determining the thermodynamic efficiency of an ideal heat pump with various methods of adjustment of the condensing temperature. The relationship between the conversion factor of a heat pump and various methods of adjustment of the condensation temperature when using water vapor as its working fluid has been studied. The presented results of the theoretical analysis reflect the nature of the dependence of the heating capacity and the conversion factor of the heat pump on the ratio of the mass flow rates of the receiving coolant and the working fluid of the heat pump, the polytropic index of the compression process, and superheating of the suction steam. Keywords: heat pump, adjustable condensing temperature, conversion efficiency, theoretical cycle, reciprocating compressor, water vapor. |
27–35 |
V. L. Yusha, M. A. Sutyaginskiy, Yu. A. Potapov. Comparative evaluation of the energy and economic efficiency of vapor compression heat pumps in modernization of large chemical and oil refining industries. Part 1 DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-36-44 The question of the feasibility of increasing the energy efficiency of large chemical and oil refining industries by replacing furnace heaters of process heat carriers and raw materials with vapor compression heat pumps is considered. An analysis of the relationship between the technical configuration of vapor-compression heat pumps, the operating parameters of their operation (determining the value of the energy conversion coefficient) and the ratio of the cost of various energy carriers is carried out. The presented results of a comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of various options for replacing a furnace with a vapor compression heat pump reflect the decisive influence of the technical level and design configuration of a vapor compression heat pump on the choice of the preferred upgrade option. However, a significant difference in commercial energy prices significantly changes the preferred ranking of these options. Keywords: energy converter, vapor compression heat pump, heater, energy conversion factor, efficiency factor, gas fuel, steam, electricity, unit cost of thermal energy. |
36–44 |
N. A. Raikovskiy, A. M. Kalashnikov. Experimental study of tribological characteristics of promising self-lubricating materials for high-speed friction units DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-45-51 The paper considers a technique and a stand for experimental study of the tribological characteristics of materials for high-speed «dry» friction units that implement the «finger-disk» friction scheme. As a result of experimental studies, the tribological characteristics of traditional and promising domestic and foreign self-lubricating materials were determined. A significant dependence of the friction-wear characteristics of self-lubricating materials of high-speed «dry» friction units on the sliding speed has been established. At the same time, the best tribological characteristics in the entire range of sliding speeds from 10 m/s to 40 m/s correspond to the Kryolon-3 material. Keywords: friction, wear resistance, polymeric material, experiment. |
45–51 |
S. Yu. Kaigorodov. The model of working process of the boom lifting and lowering mechanism with an additional damper in the form of hydrodiode DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-52-57 In hydraulic and pneumatic systems, due to the many factors of their operation, pressure and flow fluctuations inevitably occur. Such fluctuations are formed during the operation of gas-liquid aggregates, during the passage of resistance flow, and their appearance is influenced by the material of manufacture (its rigidity) of the system. As a rule, such phenomena in systems are undesirable and lead to changes in the performance characteristics of the system relative to the calculated data. Thus, there are various mechanisms to "smooth out" the fluctuations of the systems. In hydraulic systems, in particular in lifting machines, I often use special devices for this — dampers. In this paper, it is proposed to use a hydrodiode as a damper. Having a different flow rate in the forward and reverse direction, it provides a different flow-drop characteristic when lifting and lowering the boom. This effect allows you to improve the positioning of the crane boom when lifting and lowering the boom. Keywords: crane, boom, damper, hydrodiode, resistance, diode. |
52–57 |
G. A. Kromm, A. V. Volkov, A. V. Ryzhenkov, V. Yu. Lyapin, E. S. Trushin. On the potential of using nature-based technologies to improve the efficiency of blade hydro-machines DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-58-64 The paper provides a review of publications devoted to the study of the hydrodynamic effect of «shark skin» and its possible applications in technical systems, in particular in vane pumps. The hydrodynamic effect of «sharkskin» occurs due to roughness (riblets) oriented along the flow and allows to reduce the amount of hydraulic resistance in the near-wall region. An analysis of studies on the morphology and replication of shark skin, as well as some options for applying this effect in technical systems, is carried out. Examples of a number of the most interesting, according to the authors, works that are in the public domain are given. Some features of the presented studies are noted. A conclusion is made about the current state of biomimetic technologies in hydraulic engineering and about the development trends in this area. Keywords: hydraulic engineering, bladed hydraulic machines, biomimetics, hydrodynamics, shark skin effect, nature-like technologies. |
58–64 |
A.V. Sedelnikov, A. S. Taneeva. Modeling the micro-acceleration field in the protected zoneof vibration-proof devices for implementation of gravity-sensitive processes on board a smalltechnological spacecraft DOI: 10.25206/2588-0373-2023-7-2-65-72 In this paper, models of the micro-acceleration field in the protected zone of various vibration-proof devices are constructed. An automatic rotary platform and a vibration-proof device based on the magnetic principle of operation are considered. Numerical simulation has been carried out for the platform of a small spacecraft of the Aist-2 type. Conclusions are drawn about the possibility of using vibration-proof devices when conducting gravity-sensitive processes on board a technological ICA. The results obtained can be used in the analysis of the satisfaction of conditions for micro-accelerations. Keywords: micro-accelerations, gravity-sensitive processes, rotary platform, vibration protection device, design, small spacecraft. |
65-72 |