no. 2 (186), 2023



L. G. Varepo, L. V. Boyarnikova, E. V. Leongardt
The systematic approach to solving the problem of personnel training based on use of 8D
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-5-12
The article discusses the procedure for managing inconsistencies using the example of the «personnel training»
element, which is part of the «resource management» process using the 8D methodology. The case of
identifying the root cause of the problem arising during distance learning for employees of closed-type
enterprises has been analyzed, corrective and preventive actions have been developed. The calculation of the
performance assessment was carried out and the report form was compiled according to the 8D methodology.

Keywords: 8D methodology, FMEA analysis, risk management, training, corrective actions, preventive actions.

S. V. Korneev, S. V. Pashukevich
The influence of granulometric composition of molybdenum disulfide on lubrication of rolling
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-13-18
In the work, laboratory tests are carried out to assess the wear of rolling bearings on the SMC-2 friction
machine, depending on the granulometric composition (up to 1 and up to 7 microns) and the concentration of
molybdenum disulfide added to the base industrial oil I-GT-A-100 (I-50A), produced according to GOST
20799- 2022. During the tests, numerical values of the wear condition of four bearings are obtained, the
average value is indicated. The dependences of the concentration of molybdenum disulfide with a
granulometric composition of up to 1 and up to 7 microns on the wear level and the average temperature
of the bearing during the tests are determined.

Keywords: lubricants, rolling bearings, greases, molybdenum disulfide, granulometric composition, industrial oil.


V. A. Korotkiy, E. A. Usmanova
Bicubic ribbon surface
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-19-27
A bicubic ribbon is a surface of constant width extended along the Ox-axis and formed by a set of rectangular
bicubic portions connected to each other with smoothness C1 (continuity of gradient between portions) or
C2 (continuity of curvature). Each portion is limited by cubic parabolas lying in vertical planes x=const,
y=const. The article presents algorithms for calculating a bicubic band based on the use of boundary curve
equations as the main boundary conditions. The «flat corners» conditions are accepted as additional boundary
conditions. The proposed approach makes it possible to reduce the size of the characteristic matrix of a
system of linear equations with respect to the coefficients included in the equations of bicubic portions. For
example, the calculation of 16 coefficients of the equation of a bicubic portion passing through fixed boundary
curves reduces to solving a system of four linear equations. Criteria for smooth joining of bicubic portions are
formulated (in the form of theorems). Theorem 1 formulates and proves the continuity conditions for the
gradient. Theorem 2 contains conditions for the continuity of curvature. Examples of calculation and
visualization of C1 and C2- smooth ribbon surfaces, consisting of two or three bicubic portions, are presented.

Keywords: bicubic portion, cubic parabola, smoothness conditions, gradient, flat corners, pinched ends.


F. N. Pritykin, I. S. Kuznetsov
Geometric modeling of the processes of excavation by an excavator in order to prevent damage
to the pipeline wall
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-28-34
When controlling the motion of the excavator bucket, the operator controls the translational motions in the
hydraulic cylinders, which are generally independent. However, ensuring the motion of the cutting edge of
the bucket along a given trajectory (for example, along a horizontal straight line) requires certain skills and
additional concentration of attention from the operator. This significantly affects the fatigue of the operator
during these works. In this case, it becomes relevant to solve the problem of developing an automated control
system that makes it possible to calculate the change in the angles of rotation in the rotary joints of the
excavator, which provide the specified motion of the bucket. In this case, the operator can only indicate the
start and target points of the trajectory and the direction of motion of the bucket. In the article, based on the
research, an algorithm has been developed that allows you to simulate the motion of points of an excavator
bucket with a given distance from the upper edge of the pipeline. The results of computer simulation of the
motion of the excavator manipulator are presented.

Keywords: motion synthesis, excavator arm mechanism, geometric modeling, pipeline repair, computer
simulation of motions, output link.


K. V. Syzrantseva, N. A. Vasilega
Estimation of the probability of failure during operation of a prefabricated cutting tool with
replaceable polyhedral plates by nonparametric statistics methods
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-35-43
The article discusses the issues of durability of a prefabricated cutting tool in the process of metal cutting,
as well as the risk of loss of its operability. In the course of assessing the probability of tool failure in violation
of the established wear criterion, the results of a production experiment are used when roughing the Shaft
part made of a rod with a diameter of ø58 mm made of HN77TYUR alloy. The processing of the part is carried
out with a prefabricated cutting tool with replaceable polyhedral plates of round and square shape, having
a special type of alloys: VK6m, VK8 and T15K6. To evaluate the results obtained and describe their distribution,
the authors use the Shapiro–Wilk agreement criterion to check the correlation between the initial data and
the corresponding assumption of their normal distribution. Since the obtained production test data do not
obey the normal distribution law, the nonparametric Parsen–Rosenblatt method is used for further analysis.

Keywords: prefabricated cutting tool, replaceable polyhedral plates, operability, failure probability,
Shapiro–Wilk agreement criterion, nonparametric statistics, Parsen–Rosenblatt method,
distribution density function.


D. I. Chernyavsky, D. D. Chernyavsky
Study elastoplastic bending of a sheet blank of different thickness while rolling
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-44-54
The work analyzes the process of rolling the sheet blank to obtain a cylindrical shell of large diameter. The
analysis is carried out on the basis of strength calculations of elastoplastic bending of the sheet billet
taking into account the springing effect. Springing calculation is carried out on the basis of available
ratios of energy of plastic and elastic deformations formed in the material of the sheet blank. Conclusions
are drawn and practical recommendations are given, which can be used in the process of adjustment of
process parameters of rolling machines.

Keywords: cylindrical shells, elastic and plastic deformations, radius of curvature, energy of formation of
elastic and plastic deformations, technological parameters of rolling.




V. Yu. Yurkov
Approximation of planar point sets by point configurations
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-55-59
The paper is devoted to planar linear point sets having hierarchical structure. Point configurations arise
naturally in several areas of computational geometry. In the paper, the linear approximation of planar point
configurations is discussed. Planar point configuration is considered as a fuzzed and deformed image of
some ideal configuration. Also, it may be considered as random realizations of ideal one. Pure images and
deformed ones are described by the same hierarchical structures. The structure of approximating
configuration is determined a priory. Image approximation is realized by mean of least square restoration.
The correspondence of the structures is one of the parameters of approximation. Identification procedure
is realized by linear transformations. Similarity transformations as general ones are used in the calculations.

Keywords: point set, configuration, approximation, linear transformation, distance.



K. V. Averkov, D. S. Makashin
The use of technical vision in flexible production systems to determine coordinates of randomly
located objects
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-60-66
The article is devoted to the development of an object recognition algorithm using technical vision using
Python and the OpenCV computer vision library. The article presents a program that allows you to set
the coordinates of an object arbitrarily located in the field of view of the camera, as well as determine its
orientation. This data will allow you to perform an effective capture of the object by the grip of the
manipulator. In modern mechanical engineering, tasks of this kind are quite relevant, they make it possible
to increase the autonomy of flexible production systems and make production safer.

Keywords: flexible production system, industrial robot, technical vision, object recognition, object
coordinates, orientation of the grip.


Zh. A. Nazarova
Prospects for development of graphic training of students of technical universities
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-67-72
This article discusses the possibility of developing graphic training for students of technical specialties in the
field of information modeling (building information modeling). Currently, building information modeling are an
integral part of the construction industry all over the world, and the process of implementation in the Russian
Federation is underway to maintain the competitiveness of developers both in the domestic market and in
construction abroad. In parallel with the introduction in the construction sector, there are attempts to adapt
information modeling in other industries. Against this background, the demand for specialists in the field of
 information modeling has increased, employees have to retrain not only to work with new software, but also
to move away from individual creativity of individual employees or departments to collective work on one
project simultaneously by all employees from their workplaces (perhaps even from different cities and
countries). In parallel with this, various software being created in the field of information modeling, both in
Russia and abroad, most of them are initially aimed at construction, but there are also adaptation options for
other fields of activity. In this regard, the issue of actual graphic training of modern specialists has arisen:
now it is not enough to teach students to create drawings using CAD and read design documentation, but
it is necessary to immediately prepare students for collective creativity, responsibility to the team for the
changes made to the project, and most importantly — to show the principles of work in a software product
for information modeling.

Keywords: higher education, geometric and graphic disciplines, engineering graphics, computer graphics,
building information modeling, information modeling.

V. Yu. Solomin, L. O. Shtripling
Using the Hierarchy Analysis Method when choosing dust cleaning equipment for foundry
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-73-81
One of the most unfavorable operations in terms of dust affect in foundries of both conveyor type and serial
and individual production is the knocking out of flasks. In these areas, the highest overall incidence among
workers in the foundry is observed. To remove gases and dust from knock-out gratings, mechanical
exhausts are installed, the dust-saturated air from which requires further dust cleaning before being
released into the atmosphere. Cyclones are the most widely used in dust cleaning systems of such industries,
but the choice of dust collectors is a non-trivial task and requires a systematic approach. This article
discusses the method of selection and calculation of dust-cleaning equipment on the example of foundry
dust based on the hierarchy analysis method.

Keywords: dust cleaning, foundries, hierarchy analysis method, dust collector selection, dust collector
parameters, local criteria vectors, global priorities vector.

K. A. Shumilov, Yu. A. Guryeva
Plastic forms of architecture in Dynamo-Revit and Grasshopper- Rhino-Archicad
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-82-90
The paper presents the results of research on working with the Dynamo-Revit bundle and Grasshopper-
Rhino-Archicad bundle when creating plastic architectural forms of complex geometry. Lotus, Canopy,
Parametric Pavilion, Parametric Brick Wall, Small architectural form, Pergola, Beam structure objects are
chosen as models for the researching. For the presented architectural objects the least resource intensive
nodes and their bundles are selected. Nodes and their bundles in such a way as to optimally use the
capabilities of programs and not overload computer resources are selected. The scripts developed in the
Dynamo and Grasshopper programs for creating the presented models are briefly described. Explanations
for the most significant fragments and full scripts used to work with models are given. The possibilities
of the Dynamo and Grasshopper programs for visual (parametric) programming are briefly analyzed. Some
possibilities of work of its bundle with Revit and Archicad are studied. The two-way work of the Dynamo-
Revit bundle and Grasshopper-Rhino-Archicad bundle for import-export of the model is analyzed, including
when changing the code to correct the model. It is advisable to continue working in this direction in order
to obtain more concise and universal algorithms (chains of nodes) that allow varying the initial data and
options for the shape of plastic architectural objects.

Keywords: parametric programming, visual programming, Dynamo, Revit, Grasshopper, Archicad, Rhino,
modeling, complex geometry.


A. V. Knyazev, Yu. Yu. Cheremukhina
Regulatory and methodological support of blockchain technologies
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-91-96
The article provides information on the state of the issue in the field of standardization of development and
application of distributed ledger technology and blockchain. The current state in the development of
normative documents, including documents on standardization, is analyzed. The international experience
in the development of documents on standardization is reflected on the example of the International
Organization for Standardization and the International Telecommunication Union, as well as the experience
of developing documents in the national standardization system on the example of technical committees for
standardization. Possible scenarios for the use of distributed registry technology and blockchain in the
national standardization system are considered, taking into account international experience and trends
in the development, development and use of national standards in digital formats, as well as promising
interaction with other information technologies that are already standardized at the international and
national levels.

Keywords: information technologies, blockchain, information security, standardization, national standards
in digital formats, smart standards, SMART-standards.

Yu. S. Yakovleva, A. N. Biryukov
Modeling of physical characteristics of heat-accumulating building materials
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-97-104
The article discusses the results of studies of the physical characteristics of heat-accumulating building
materials. Modern trends in the production and use of materials determine the need to develop new scientific
and methodological devices for assessing the physical characteristics of energy-saving building materials,
which will significantly improve the properties of materials, reduce their cost and improve the quality and
reliability of structures and products. As such a device, the authors propose the use of a mathematical model,
the statistical description of experimental data of which is linear regression. The initial substances for the
formation of a microcapsulated heat-accumulating material are selected as input parameters of the system,
and the output characteristics are dependent variables (specific heat of the phase transition, compressive
strength). Based on the results of experimental studies and using the DataFit program.

Keywords: heat storage materials, microcapsules, mathematical model, physical characteristics, regression
equation, Fisher criterion, Student criterion.

A. A. Sycheva, A. M. Plaksin
The functional voxel algorithm for iterative composition of complex contours
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-105-111
The analytical representation most accurately describes the geometry of the simulated objects. However, its
application is associated with a number of difficulties. In particular, R-functional modeling imposes high
requirements to the qualification of the researcher and may require considerable time for modeling due to
recursive nesting of calculations. The application of features of functional-voxel models to simplify R-functional
modeling of complex contours is considered. The Function of Local Zeroing is proposed as the main tool for
iterative modeling of complex contours, including parametric curves. The method of determining the negative
area of FLOZ-constructed contour models for further construction of predicate complex functions by means
of R-functional operations is described.

Keywords: functional-voxel modeling, FLOZ, FLOZ-construction, functional-voxel arithmetic, R-functional
modeling, complex predicate function, complex contour modeling, parametric functions modelling.


V. V. Kharlamov, Yu. V. Moskalev, A. Yu. Milutin, A. P. Popov
Uneven air gap optimization of synchronous machine with permanent rotor magnets
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-112-118
The article proposes an approach to determining the uneven air gap of a synchronous machine with prismatic
magnets on the rotor, in which the distribution of the normal component of magnetic induction along the inner
circumference of the stator core has a shape close to sinusoidal. The calculation of the magnetic field of an
electric machine model with the specified geometric dimensions and properties of the element materials is
performed in the FEMM program. To solve the optimization problem, the Hook-Jeeves method is used,
restrictions are taken into account by the method of penalty functions. As a result of modeling the magnetic
field of an electric machine with a calculated optimal uneven air gap, a distribution curve of the normal
component of magnetic induction along the inner circumference of the stator is obtained, the average deviation
of which from the sinusoidal curve is 4,8 %.

Keywords: electrical machine, permanent magnet, magnetic field, air gap, optimization.


E. B. Koroleva, S. M. Kurmashev, K. K. Kim, A. A. Tkachuk, A. A. Kuznetsov
Devices for express diagnostics of power semiconductor devices and semiconductor
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-119-125
The increase in the power of power semiconductor converters operated in the railway industry is associated
with the use of group connections of power semiconductor devices in them, the variation in the parameters
of which, and, therefore, their unequal load, causes a decrease in the reliability of the power semiconductor
converters as a whole. In this regard, it becomes necessary to develop and implement innovative methods
and devices for express diagnostics in order to identify potentially unreliable semiconductor devices, and the
implementation of technical diagnostics should not be associated with dismantling the electrical circuits of
the converters. The method is proposed for determining potentially unreliable power semiconductor devices
in group connections based on the results of analyzing the distribution of reverse currents in parallel branches,
which made it possible to create a series of devices for diagnosing power semiconductor devices in converters,
both with and without communication resistors. The methodological error of measurements made using the
developed express diagnostics devices of the transducers do not exceed the standard value equal to 10 %.

Keywords: semiconductor device, express diagnostics, reverse current, communication resistors, 
analog-to-digital converter, methodical measurement error.


A. R. Petrov, E. I. Gracheva
Modeling of power losses in contact systems of low-voltage switching devices
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-126-133
The article studies the dependences of active power losses in contacts and contact systems of circuit breakers,
contactors and magnetic starters on the main parameters of electrical equipment. Models of functional
dependences of active power losses on nominal current for low-voltage switching devices of some
manufacturers are developed. Approximation functions of these characteristics have been compiled and
the value of determination coefficient of the obtained functions of active losses and approximation error
have been calculated. Graphical dependences of the investigated parameters of low-voltage equipment
are presented.

Keywords: low-voltage switching devices, contact connections, power losses, approximating functions,
design features.



S. V. Biryukov
Study of electroinductive disk sensor of electric field strength
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-134-139
Tasks related to the protection of biological and technical objects from the effects of electrical are relevant.
One of these tasks is related to the development of electric field strength sensors with specified metrological
characteristics. The aim of the study is to minimize the error of the known sensor and expand its spatial
measurement range due to the rational choice of sensitive elements. The sensor proposed in the work has
a negative error δ from the field inhomogeneity modulo no more than 3 % in the spatial measurement range
0≤a≤R, where R is the radius of the disk base of the sensor. To ensure the required metrological characteristics
of the sensor, rational dimensions of its sensitive elements are selected. In this case, the rational radius r of
the sensing elements made in the shape of a circle must satisfy the condition r<R, i.e. it must be less than the
radius R of the disk base of the sensor. If this condition is met, a smaller radius r of the sensing element will
correspond to a smaller error δ from the inhomogeneity of the field and a larger spatial measurement range.
In comparison with known sensors, with the same error, the proposed sensor has a spatial measurement
range approximately five times larger. This approach to the selection of sensitive elements allows us to
design sensors with the best metrological characteristics.

Keywords: electric field, homogeneous field, inhomogeneous field, point source, intensity, disk sensor, 
error from field inhomogeneity, electrometric measurements.


S. S. Kolmogorova, S. V. Biryukov
Using electro-inductive sensor to trace moving and non-moving objects tracked
DOI: 10.25206/1813-8225-2023-186-140-146
The research carries out a spatial model of path tracking using the dynamic parameters of the object's position, 
as well as the path of motion of electric field source. The simulation results show high accuracy in estimating
the dependence between the electric field components and position modifications. The results are in good
agreement with the results of FEM analysis. The connection between the measurement error of the electric
field component, horizontal angle, location angle, and tracking accuracy is also used to analyze the tracking
performance. In addition, the method can be combined with spatiotemporal coordinates, in which case the
configuration becomes appropriate to the current conditions while maintaining maximum efficiency of the
estimation system as a whole and allows predicting changes in the position of the object as a field source.

Keywords: electrometric measurements, electric field, three-coordinate electroinductive sensor,
moving objects.
