Vol. 6, no. 2, 2021




V. V. Germizeeva
The Government Periodical Press of Western Siberia as source on personnel changes
in local institutions (late XIX–early XX centuries)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-9-14
The article analyzes the content of the official part of the newspapers «Tomsk Provincial Vedomosti», «Tobolsk Provincial Vedomosti»,
concerning the appointment, transfer, resignation, vacation and awards of officials of local institutions. The methodological basis
of the study is the problem-chronological method, which allowed us to identify and examine in detail the possibilities of the government
periodical press for studying the history of the civil service of Western Siberia in the late XIX–early XX centuries. The author draws
attention to the fact that the information contained in the provincial lists is limited in comparison with the form lists. But together with
archival documents and reference publications, the materials of the government periodical press allow us to fully restore the history
of public service in Western Siberia, as well as to trace the terms of filling individual positions.

Keywords: Western Siberia, periodical press, local administration, bureaucracy, public service, source study.


M. S. Novikov
Revolution and counter-revolution in the Cossack’s village of Cherlakovskaya. 1918–1928
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-15-23
The history of the Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia continues to attract the interest of modern historians and sociologists.
The socio-economic transformations of the end of the XX century and the development of the methodology of history led to an increase
in the relevance of questions about land use and land ownership, the emergence of new assessments and approaches to solving them.
The aim of the study is to determine the causes and level of participation of the Cossacks and other groups of the population of the village
Celakovsky in the events of the Revolution and the Civil War, as well as the participation of the сossacks in the solution of the agrarian
question in the territories controlled by the сossacks. Using archival materials, memoirs of contemporaries and local history studies,
the author comes to the conclusion that the front-line cossacks, who did not want to continue the war and supported the Soviet government
in the fall of 1917, mostly sabotaged its agrarian transformations on the ground. By the summer of 1918 The cossack’s population
of the village opposed the redistribution of the cossack lands on the basis of the decree on socialization, and supported the overthrow
of the Soviet government. Further agrarian transformations became possible only after the victory of the bolsheviks in the Civil War.

Keywords: agrarian politic, the Cossacks, the Cherlak, the Revolution of 1917, the Soviet government, the Civil War in Russia,
the white movement.


N. A. Cherkasskaya
The image of Nicholas I in sources of personal origin: Russian-Polish discourse
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-24-29
Currently, one of the topical issues for Russian historians is the study of the personalities of Russian monarchs including tsars and emperors
of the Romanov dynasty. The problem of constructing the image of a representative of power both in Russia and abroad especially in the light
of the problems of nation-building also relevant among researchers is revealed. The purpose of our work is to reconstruct the images
of emperor Nicholas I to reveal their transformation, similarities and differences within the framework of the Polish question. The article analyzes
Russian and Polish sources of personal origin in the 1820s–1830s in the context of the Polish coronation of 1829 and the uprising of 1830–1831.
Using historical and anthropological approach they have the opportunity to identify the features of the formation of emperor’s image.
The historical-comparative method let us to analyze the characteristics that the emperor was endowed with by his contemporaries and
to reconstruct the chronological evolution of the images of Nicholas I. The main result of this evolution can be called the moment of separation
of the image of the Russian emperor fr om the image of the polish king, which was repeatedly emphasized by both Russian and Polish
contemporaries, and by the emperor himself. The selfidentification of Nicholas I as the Russian autocratic monarch was one of the results
of the Polish uprising of 1830–1831 that followed soon after the coronation.

Keywords: Sources of personal origin, national politics, Russian Empire, Poland, Kingdom of Poland, Russian autocracy,
Polish Uprising 1830–1831, Nicholas I.


K. G. Morgunov
Social composition of first district Zemstvo assemblies of Tauride province (1866–1869)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-30-36
The article deals with the question of the social composition of the Zemstvo bodies of the Tauride province during their formation.
The first elections to County Zemstvo assemblies are investigated and the influence of the property qualification principle on the electoral
process and the formation of Zemstvo bodies is reflected the regional specifics of the districts of the Tauride province and its significance
in the social representation of Zemstvo vowels are shown. In conclusion, information is provided on the percentage of social classes
in the Zemstvo bodies for the three electoral Curia and the dominant role of the nobles in the assemblies of the first three years.

Keywords: Zemstvo assemblies, social composition, election, electoral Curia, electoral process, nobles, peasants, Tauride province.


Ya. S. Zanozina, V. M. Plitkina, A. A. Fomenkov
First experience of participation in post-Soviet parliamentary elections in Nizhny Novgorod region:
pages of political history
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-37-41
The article is devoted to an important event in the political history of post-Soviet Russia, namely the first parliamentary elections in its history.
The aim of the work was to determine the specifics of the results of the first elections of deputies of the Russian Parliament after the collapse
of the USSR in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The tasks of the work are related to the study of the elections of deputies of the State Duma
(both by single-mandate districts and by party lists), and the Federation Council. A number of conclusions are drawn regarding the political
sympathies of residents of different administrative-territorial units of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the first half of the last decade. A kind
of Nizhny Novgorod «red belt» is defined geographically, consisting of the southern districts of the region, as well as several districts
of the north and east of the region, wh ere voters mostly supported the left. It is revealed that the level of political activity in the elections
is quite high, which is not surprising in view of the intense political life during the perestroika period in Gorky, and then in Nizhny Novgorod.

Keywords: political history, post-Soviet Russia, Nizhny Novgorod region, parliamentary elections, political preferences of Nizhny Novgorod
residents, State Duma, Federation Council, B. E. Nemtsov.


T. S. Kulepanova
Internal situation in USSR in Russian emigration press in the United States (1964–1982)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-42-48
The article is devoted to the formation of the image of the USSR in the Russian diaspora in the United States under the impact of the events
of Soviet domestic policy 1964–1982. Based on the theory of historical imagology, the author analyzes the publications of emigre press
of different political affiliations. During this period, the important components of anti-communist press that construct the image
of the USSR were the concepts of «Russian people» and «Soviet State», which viewed through the lens of the «friend–other/alien» dichotomy.
Publicists broadcast a number of stereotypes of the totalitarian direction of American Russian studies at the analyzing the concept
of «Soviet state». Significant components of image of the USSR were ideas about the Russian people and Soviet youth, which were perceived
as progressive forces capable of creating Russia of Future. The author therefore concludes that important transformations of process create
of ideas about the USSR took place among the authors of the central and right-wing political blocs of emigration in the 1970’s. On the contrary,
the communist’s «Russian Voice» always presented the Soviet country as a state of social and economic prosperity.

Keywords: imagology, Russian emigration, the Russian emigrant press, the United States, the USSR, Cold War, white movement.


To the 80th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War

S. V. Kulinok
The use of German intelligence and sabotage agents on the eve and during Nazi punitive operations
period on occupied territory of Belarus in 1942–1944
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-49-55
In the study based on unpublished sources, for the first time in Russian-language historiography, the process of sending German agents
to collect intelligence and commit acts of sabotage during Nazi punitive operations against partisans and civilians in 1942–1944 is considered
on the occupied territory of the BSSR. The purpose of the work is to investigate the mechanism of sending and the effectiveness of the work
of German agents in partisan formations, which has not received due reflection in the studies. The methodological basis of the study is formed
by the principle of consistency, value and anthropological approaches. The author comes to the conclusion that the Nazis carefully thought
out the approach of using reconnaissance and sabotage agents, in connection with which, in the combat activities of partisan formations,
counterintelligence work is a particular.

Keywords: BSSR, the Great Patriotic War, partisan's movement, nazi’s occupation, special service, counterintelligence, agents,
Special department.


M. S. Nosova
Features of children’s leisure time in rear city during the Great Patriotic War (on the example of Omsk)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-56-61
The article uses the example of everyday life of Omsk children to study the main leisure practices during the Great Patriotic War. The study
examines both personal sources and archival sources. The author examines the leisure time of children in the process of becoming a person.
When devoting almost all the time to work, children still found the opportunity to communicate with their peers, develop and devote time to games.

Keywords: cultural anthropology, Great Patriotic War, children's everyday life, everyday life, military childhood, rear childhood, Omsk, leisure.


S. E. Novikov, A. V. Sushko
Bobruisk line of defense at the end of June 1941
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-62-68
This archaeographic publication is devoted to the study of the history of one of the many defensive battles that took place on the territory
of Belarus at the end of June 1941. The article introduces into scientific circulation two documents previously unknown to researchers
of the Soviet special services on the state of the 47th Rifle Corps. The commentary, based on the use of little-known documentary information,
reveals the content of the traditional and new historiographic narratives about the defensive battles of the Red Army in the context
of solving local problems of keeping one of the defensive lines on the Berezina River near the Belarusian city of Bobruisk by Soviet troops.
The work is intended for specialists in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, the battle for Belarus, Bobruisk, the Bobruisk defensive line, Soviet special services, the 47th Rifle Corps, 
the Bobruisk Military Tractor School.


History Name

S. V. Novikov
Veniamin Mikhailovich Samosudov — man and scientist at crossroads of times (1926–2010)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-69-75
In the 1960’s–1970’s, the development of regional historical science took place, which reflected the General trend for the country.
During this period, changes were made to the concept of the development of socialist society, which caused the transition to universal
secondary education. This transition required the training of teachers of history and social Sciences, which was entrusted to pedagogical
institutes. The result was changes in the content of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the region. During these years,
Samosudov's scientific and managerial career developed. Based on the memoirs of colleagues, materials of archival collections, personal
impressions, the author comes to the conclusion that the doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, member of the CPSU, rector
of the OSPI named after M. Gorky was a major historian — the Creator of the scientific school. He was a man of his time: a witness
to the socialist transformation of the village, a participant in the war, an organizer of education in the region. About how his attitude
to society changed during the transformations in the state, reports the test of the presented article.

Keywords: history of the peasantry, revolutionary movement in Siberia, Omsk state pedagogical Institute, development of the education
system, anti-communism, V. M. Samosudov.



A. A. Menshikova
The autonomy of metaphysics: ontology of Kantian tradition in works of analytical philosophers
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-76-82
The article presents a critical analysis of the influence of I. Kant's ideas on the work of analytical philosophers. It is substantiated the thesis
on the independence of Kantian ontology from transcendental epistemology. The article investigated possible areas of integration for various
aspects of Kantian ontology and epistemology in the theories of a number of analytical philosophers (P. F. Strawson, W. V. O. Quine),
who were directly influenced by I. Kant's ideas. A semantic analysis of the concepts they use does not confirm the hypothesis about
the evolutionary influence of Kantian transcendental epistemology on the ontological aspects of the works of analytical philosophers (ontology       
of language, logical-semantic concepts, notions of proposition and modality, categories of particulars and universals).

Keywords: transcendental idealism, kantianism, analytical philosophy, metaphysics, ontology of language.


Critical Notices and Comments

D. M. Patterson
Dworkin on the Semantics of Legal and Political Concepts / trans. from Engl. A. B. Didikin, S. A. Aleksandrov
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-83-93
In a recent comment on H. L. A. Hart’s «Postscript» to The Concept of Law, Ronald Dworkin claims that the meaning of legal and political
concepts maybe understood by analogy to the meaning of natural kind concepts like «tiger», «gold» and «water». This article questions
the efficacy of Dworkin’s claims by challenging the use of natural kinds as the basis for a semantic theory of legal and political concepts.
Additionally, in matters of value there is no methodological equivalent to the scientific method. Thus, there is little hope of finding hidden
essences to explain the meaning of legal and political concepts. Finally, even if there are natural kinds, Dworkin’s arguments for their efficacy
in jurisprudence are problematic and unpersuasive. The problem for Dworkin is that his embrace of natural kinds undermines the «fit» side
of the fit/justification model of adjudication that lies at the heart of his theory of law.

Keywords: Dworkin, natural kind, semantic theory of legal concepts, moral realism.


A. B. Didikin
Semantics of legal concepts and natural kind terms: D. Patterson’s arguments
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-94-98
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the arguments of the american legal philosopher Dennis Patterson regarding the applicability
of the natural kinds terms to the semantics of the legal language. Based on the Ronald Dworkin’s theory of law, reasonable criticized
by D. Patterson, the features of the formation and interpretation of legal concepts are considered. Arguments are presented that demonstrate
the content of R. Dworkin and D. Patterson’s methodological approach to the interpretation of the semantics of legal concepts as well
as argumentation regarding the normativity of legal reality, the objects of which are displayed in the content of legal concepts.

Keywords: legal language, legal concepts, normativity, semantics, natural kinds, facts, legal reality.


V. V. Ogleznev
Dennis Patterson on Wittgenstein
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-99-106
Dennis Patterson, modern American legal theorist, is one of the active supporters of the importance and significance of later Wittgenstein’s
ideas for resolving legal philosophy problems, including legal indeterminacy problem. On the basis of Wittgenstein’s ideas about rule-following
and acting in accordance with rule, he developed his own special approach to law and legal interpretation. Although there are some doubts
and possible objections that he understood and interpreted «Philosophical Investigations» correctly, it should be recognized that Patterson
made a full-scale (and sometimes very convincing) attempt to explicate Wittgenstein’s thoughts in a quite different context, namely,
in the context of legal theory. His treatment of wittgensteinian philosophy of language continues to be interesting and sound, despite
the criticisms that have been made against his approach. It is in fact very hard to find among modern legal philosophers or theorists
someone who could interpret Wittgenstein in a more sophisticated way than Patterson has done.

Keywords: rule-following, legal indeterminacy, interpretation, understanding, legal rule, Wittgenstein, Patterson.


Pros and Cons

D. V. Chirva
Does Olson’s animalism put end to personal identity debate?
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-107-112
Theory of Eric Olson’s animalism is evaluated in the article in relation to his debate with the proponents of psychological approach
to personal identity problem. Olson aims to show the irrelevance of psychology to the issue and to finish the debate by means
of introducing the fetus problem. It is argued that theory of animalism has its certain strong points in comparison with Lynne Baker’s
constitution view and Jeff McMahan’s embodied part approach; it does not contain any contradictions and rests on few theoretical
assumptions. Nevertheless, it is claimed that animalism does not finish the debate, because it does not take into consideration that
a person has a strong self-concern about her future. So the essential part of the general personal identity problem is simply ignored
by Olson’s animalism.

Keywords: Olson, Baker, McMahan, personal identity, animalism, human animal, constitution view, embodied mind view.


E. T. Olson
Was I Ever a Fetus? / trans. from Engl. V. A. Sermaksheva
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-113-123
The Standard View of personal identity says that someone who exists now can exist at another time only if there is continuity of her mental
contents or capacities. But no person is psychologically continuous with a fetus, for a fetus, at least early in its career, has no mental features    
at all. So the Standard View entails that no person was ever a fetus-contrary to the popular assumption that an unthinking fetus
is a potential person. It is also mysterious what does ordinarily happen to a human fetus, if it does not come to be a person. Although
an extremely complex variant of the Standard View may allow one to persist without psychological continuity before one becomes a person
but not afterwards, a far simpler solution is to accept a radically non-psychological account of our identity.

Keywords: personal identity, fetus, human being, animalism, psychological criterion, psychological continuity.



H. S. Hasanov, L. V. Skulskaya
Category of «connecting processes» in quality management
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-124-129
The quality management system is still an under-research area. This article provides an understanding of the «connecting processes» category
for the further development of the theory and the practice of the quality management. A business organization must continuously create
and improve the types and the forms of the communication, the management decisions and the balance. This is achieved through their
continuous sequence. The work identifies the main criteria and parameters of the quality, the requirements and the conditions for the quality
ensuring of the linking processes, identifies the key management indicators in the implementation of the linking processes.

Keywords: connecting processes, communication, management decision, balance, complementarity, organization, quality, management, criteria.


A. E. Miller, L. M. Davidenko
Generalization of scientific and institutional prerequisites for risk management of technological integration
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-130-138
The paper considers the key aspects of risk management in relation to the technological integration of economic entities. It is emphasized that       
the deepening of the technological chain includes the integration of resources of related production facilities and is undergoing changes
in the context of accelerated digitalization, environmental transformation of the world economy. In this regard, the risk management system,
which includes strategic mapping, systematization and risk assessment, as well as management control over financial, economic, scientific
and technological types of risk, is of great importance. The authors highlight the trends of technological transformation of the global energy
complex, which determine the promising directions of technological integration of the oil and gas sector for the development of carbon-neutral
energy. As a positive vector, the development and implementation of innovations that improve environmental safety, as well as new technologies
for the production of pure hydrogen from natural gas and recycling processes are shown. The conducted research allowed us to identify
the scientific and institutional prerequisites for managing the risks of technological integration and to link them with risk management tools.

Keywords: technological integration, risk management, oil and gas sector, hydrogen energy, environmental innovations.


E. V. Yakovleva, O. V. Propp
Development of personnel potential of industrial enterprises in conditions of digitalization
on example of Omsk region
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-139-145
The article considers the changes taking place with the personnel potential of industrial enterprises in Omsk under conditions of digitalization
of the economy, analyzes certain indicators of the personnel potential of the region: dynamics of demographic indicators, personnel data
and needs for specialists, compliance of the level of qualifications and education with the requirements of the economy. The relevance lies
in the possibility of increasing the effective development of the personnel potential of enterprises based on active actions by all participants
in the regional market in modern conditions of digitalization. General scientific methods of comparison, analysis and generalization are used.

Keywords: personnel potential, digitalization, industrial enterprises, digital economy, transformation.


L. V. Trunkina, T. V. Telyatnikova, N. A. Kuzmina
Problems of labor productivity management in difficult epidemiological situation
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-146-153
In modern conditions the problem of labor productivity growth is becoming increasingly relevant. Its enhancement is paid to attention both
at the federal level and at the level of enterprises. This article discusses the increase in labor productivity in the face of the epidemiological
situation. The main blocks of programs of the national project to increase productivity are highlighted. In the context of the epidemiological
situation, there are problems of preserving and improving productivity in connection with the transition of enterprise personnel on various
forms of non-standard employment: televodder, flexible work schedule, durability, etc. The impact of a complex epidemiological situation
on labor productivity is disclosed, the main competencies of an effective leader (performance leader) are presented.

Keywords: labor productivity, labor productivity programs, epidemiological situation, effective leader, labor productivity leader, executive
competence model, remote operation.


T. V. Fadeeva
Recommendations for implementation of cluster policy in modern Russia
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-2-154-160
The aim of the study is to study the experience of implementing cluster policy in the Russian Federation and offer recommendations
for improving cluster policy and strengthening cluster processes. The article presents the results of the analysis of clusters and cluster
policy in Russia. During the research, general scientific and special methods are used: analysis and synthesis, comparison
and generalization, system analysis. As a result of the study, the driving forces of the functioning of clusters, the risks of implementing
cluster policy in Russia and a list of limiting factors when choosing clusters-objects for financing are identified. The article reveals
the peculiarities of cluster policy in Russia and gives recommendations for conducting cluster policy based on the domestic experience
of clustering. In contrast to the existing ones, the recommendations proposed in the article are novel, since they take into account
the current stage of development at which cluster associations in Russia are located. When developing the recommendations, the latest
trends in the organizational development of clusters in an innovative economy are taken into account. The presented developments
will be useful to public authorities in the formation of regional programs for the development of clusters in the regional economy, as well
as for making decisions on the support of clusters.

Keywords: cluster, cluster policy, industrial cluster, cluster member, cluster project, innovative territorial cluster.
