Vol. 6, no. 3, 2021




A. P. Yarkov
About myths and true story of Muslims of Ust-Ishim district of Omsk region (Islam through the prism of local history)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-9-14
The article is devoted to the fight against historical myth-making. The reason for writing the material is the «world discovery» — the time when the Ashevan
yurts appeared in the taiga Irtysh region. This became known to «all knowing Wikipedia», indicating the year 1226. A «more modest» date (1296)
was mentioned in August 2020 in the Muslim-info newspaper published in Tyumen. The purpose of this article is to refute these historical myths on the basis
of scientific and historical facts of the history of Muslims of the Ust-Ishim district of the Omsk region. The author comes to the conclusion that the legend
of the birth of the Ashevan yurts in 1226 bears little resemblance to the true «biography» of the village. The described case testifies that in the future,
the creation of scientifically grounded «Histories of Siberian villages» is an urgent task for scientists and local historians.

Keywords: falsification of history, historical myths, cultural memory, cultural anthropology, history of Siberia, local history, Siberian Tatars, Islam.


B. A. Alimdjanov
Active operations of Ashgabat branch of Russian-Asian Commercial Bank (1905–1917)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-15-21
The topic of the history of banks’ activity in Central Asia has been little studied in national and world historiography, although its study allows revealing new
aspects of the economic policy of the Russian Empire in the region. The article is written on the basis of documents extracted from the Russian State
Historical Archives (RSHA). The financial institutions of the Russian Empire took into account local specifics and encouraged the production of export-oriented
products. The main goal of the article is to reveal the active operations of the Russian-Asian Commercial Bank in the formation of market relations
in the traditional economy of the outskirts of the Russian Empire. We believe that the colonial economy had a specific character, which was expressed
not in the destruction of the local «industry», but in the development of agriculture. In writing the article, statistical methods and the theory of modernization
of the colonial periphery were used.

Keywords: Trade and economic relations, agriculture, banking, the Russian-Asiatic Bank, merchants, capitalism in Russia, Ashgabat, Russian-Iranian relations.



S. P. Volf
Legal nihilism in resolving family conflicts of nobles and peasants of Russian Empire in the first third of XIX century
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-22-30
The article highlights the ways of resolving family conflicts nobles and peasants in the first third of the XIX century in the Russian Empire, against
the background of the ongoing systematization of legislation. Based on examination of the letters and memoirs of the nobles and peasants we highlighted
the methods, which are actually used to solve family conflicts. I conclude that nobles and peasants rarely used help of the state in resolving family conflicts.
The sphere of family relations was sacred for these estates; therefore, they did not rope the authorities into family conflicts. I have identified the following ways
to resolve family conflicts: duel; marriage, often in the form of a secret wedding; going to the monastery and punishing the unfaithful wife; different approaches
to raising children by peasants and nobles. The author of the article pays attention to passivity of the peasants in resolving their family conflicts. The results
of the study allow exploring the alternative ways of resolving family conflicts based on representatives of other classes of Russian society in the first third
of the 19th century (clergy, merchants, philistines, foreigners) as well, using wider range of sources (journalism, normative acts, fiction, paperwork).
This analysis contributes to the discussion about the limits of the government intervention into family affairs. The author of the article redlines that people
did not trust the law and resorted to the personally legitimate sources of dealing with family conflicts. This conclusion presents a new perspective
in the discussion of legal nihilism and real application of the law in life.

Keywords: everyday history, gender history, family conflict, nobles, peasants, duel, secret wedding, legal nihilism.



I. V. Petrov
Discussion about Belarussian Church autocephaly during Nazi occupation of Belarus
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-31-36
In 2020 in Belarus there was an intensification of the activities of forces sympathetic to the idea of separating the Orthodox on the territory of the Republic
from the Russian Orthodox Church. This kind of reaction is not new to the republic. The idea of church autocephaly was most acutely discussed during
the Nazi occupation of the BSSR. A book by the Belarusian church historian Andrey Pukanov is devoted to this period of history. The basis of the book
is the materials of the Belarusian press. Memories of the participants, the legacy of the Belarusian post-war emigration. The article presents a critical
analysis of the book of a modern Belarusian author.

Keywords: occupation, autocephaly, monograph, Belarus, Orthodoxy, World War II, Great Patriotic War.



N. V. Algazina
Professional and creative path of architect Pavel Pavlovich Golyshev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-37-43
In the article there are systematizes and specified biographical facts of P. P. Golyshev — the Russian military engineer, architect and educationalist.
The author’s architectural objects of P. P. Golyshev built in Kazan and Omsk are presented. The purpose of this article is to provide the most complete
information about the professional and creative biography of P. P. Golyshev. The novelty of the research consists in the systematization of reference material,
biographical information and the periodization of the professional, pedagogical and practical activities of P. P. Golyshev as an engineer-architect.

Keywords: architects, industrial architecture, officers, civil engineers, military engineers, Kazan, Omsk.



V. A. Maslennikova
Children «on the side»: feeding industry on territory of Tavrida Province in late XIX–early XX centuries
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-44-48
Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX–early XX centuries gradually entered the era of modernization of political, economic and social institutions.
The disintegration of the patriarchal family entailed a massive exodus of women to cities, which in turn turned out to be on the quantitative indicators
of illegitimate births. Lack of funds for food, prompted mothers to leave the child to the mercy of fate. Statistical data is stating that the foundlings grew from
year to year. By the end of the XIX century each issue of the periodical press, published in the territory of the Tauride province, contained several reports
about foundlings. All children were sent to an orphanage. A wet nurse was assigned to the child, who was supposed to replace his mother. The direction
of the research is to describe the patronage system in the Tauride province of the late XIX–early XX centuries.

Keywords: Tauride province, women, wet nurses, foundlings, orphanage.



A. A. Frolova
The daily production of Soviet women during the Great Patriotic War (on the example of Ishim Shoe Factory No. 4)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-49-55
The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the daily life of female workers of the Ishim shoe factory No. 4 during the Great Patriotic War. To study
the everyday life of women during the war years, the office documents of the factory and local authorities, as well as documents of personal origin, are used.
The study is based on a historical and anthropological approach to the past. Descriptive method and oral history method are applied. The author comes
to the conclusion that thanks to the efforts of women, who were the main labor force of the factory, in a short time the evacuated enterprise not only began
to function in a new place, but also became a model for other enterprises of the Ishim region. The women not only over fulfilled the plan for sewing shoes,
but also fully met the production needs of the enterprise: they prepared peat and firewood organized vegetable gardens and stored vegetables for the factory
canteen. In addition, women were actively involved in social work taking care of the evacuees, collecting money, food and warm clothes for the needs
of the front. Along with the development of new social roles by women, they retained their traditional responsibilities related to maintaining a home
and raising children. Similar transformations in the social behavior of women occurred against the background of a deterioration in living conditions,
a reduction in living standards, a lack of nutrition, and complications of the epidemiological situation. With the complication of her social roles, a woman
during the war years carried an important social function associated with the creation of a special spiritual atmosphere, simultaneously reconciling
with the brutal military reality and maintaining the hope of a return to peacetime.

Keywords: the Great Patriotic War, the everyday life of the rear, women, social roles, gender history.



Historical Archive

E. A. Vorobyeva
Uprising in Tashkent in October 1917 according to memoirs of S. V. Sazanov
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-56-63
The article examines the uprising in Tashkent in October 1917 by the memoirs of S. V. Sazanov. The purpose of this article is both to introduce a new historical
source into scientific circulation (ego-document, in this case, an excerpt from S. V. Sazanov’s memoirs), and to perform historiographic analysis of the October
uprising in Tashkent, which led to the establishment of Soviet power in Turkestan. The memoirs of S. V. Sazanov are especially valuable for they contain
a personal impression of a direct participant in the events, as well as convey a view of the event from «a peasant in a soldier’s overcoat», since S. V. Sazanov,
being a peasant-otkhodnik (peasant-worker) by origin and occupation, has preserved the peculiarities of the peasant mentality. The presented source
is also important due to the fact that there are serious discrepancies in the historiography of the October uprising in Tashkent, descriptions of this event
are conflicting and contradictory. In Soviet historiography, the uprising in Tashkent was presented as a classic workers’ uprising against numerous
counter-revolutionary forces prepared and carried out according to a clear plan under the leadership of the Bolshevik party. S. V. Sazanov’s memoirs refute
this point of view. At the same time, they do not contradict either the sources of 1917 (materials of the local press), or the post-Soviet historiography. With
regard to the latter, S.V. Sazanov’s memoirs can serve as a valuable addition.

Keywords: Russian revolution, Turkestan, uprising in Tashkent in October 1917, «soldier’s revolution», memoirs.




Pros and Cons   

A. B. Didikin
Moral Goals and Legal Coercion: Philosophical and Legal Arguments of Patrick Devlin
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-64-68
The paper analyzes the arguments of the British jurist P. Devlin on the possibility of ensuring the achievement of moral goals by legal means. The views            
of P. Devlin and his debate with H. L. A. Hart gave rise to deep discussions on the relationship between moral and legal prescriptions in legislation
and the search for moral grounds for legal norms and practice of its application. The paper also reconstructs P. Devlin’s arguments on the specifics
of the application of the principle of harm compensation in assessing actions that contradict public morality.

Keywords: law, public morality, society, P. Devlin, H. L. A. Hart, J. S. Mill.



P. Devlin
Morals and Contemporary Social Reality / trans. from Engl. A. B. Didikin, O. A. Radchenko
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-69-77
In the seventh and final chapter of his «The Enforcement of Morals», P. Devlin elaborates on a several of arguments for his polemic with H. L. A. Hart
on issues of the relationship between law and morals. Based on the recommendations of the Wolfenden Committee which proposed a radical reform
of English criminal law in the direction of decriminalizing a few of criminally punishable offences with immoral content, Devlin notes their extreme
contradiction in terms of protecting the values of public morals. The chapter also criticizes the key arguments of J. S. Mill’s doctrine of the balance
of liberty and state coercion.

Keywords: public morals, law, legal coercion, private realm, legal moralism, J. S. Mill, H. L. A. Hart.



Critical Notices and Comments

W. R. Carter
Will I Be a Dead Person? / trans. from Engl. A. V. Nekhaev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-78-82
Eric Olsen argues from the fact that we once existed as fetal individuals to the conclusion that the Standard View of personal identity is mistaken.
I shall establish that a similar argument focusing upon dead people opposes Olson’s favored Biological View of personal identity.

Keywords: personal identity, corpse, animalism, psychological criterion, psychological continuity.



E. V. Loginov
Corpses, Embryos, Animal
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-83-89
Will I be my corpse someday? This is a controversial philosophical question. If I’m a material being, that question is an important part
of the metaphysics of material beings. Animalism claims that I’m a human animal. I have started as a fetus. Eric Olson argued that this
is incompatible with the psychological-continuity approach to personal identity. From this it follows that we should accept the biological approach;
the persistence condition for me is a Life. William Carter suggested that this approach has the same problem with the corpses
as the psychologicalcontinuity approach has with fetuses. I’m going to show that Carter is not right, but we should slightly specify a biological
approach: the persistence condition for me is my Life.

Keywords: Olson, Carter, animalism, corpses, embryos.



A. V. Nekhaev
Why Does So Matter to Be a Dead Person?
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-90-107
According to animalism we are identical with human animals. Our death coincides with the cessation of the functioning of an organism.
Biological approach to personal identity seems to imply that the corpse causally connected to me (as an organism) is not me. In other words,
there is no such an entity as a human animal that later becomes a corpse. It is so-called «the corpse problem». However, there are various
views compatible with animalism, for instance the thesis that after death we can survive as corpses or souls. The main task of the article
provides a critical analysis of these views.

Keywords: animalism, biological approach, personal identity, death, corpses.




V. P. Shpaltakov
Problems of managing process of ensuring economic security
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-108-113
The main problems of the state of the Russian economy, which give rise to serious threats to economic security, are considered. The topic is relevant
due to the growing risks and threats to our economy. The purpose of the article is to analyze the nature and methods of state management of conditions            
affecting the level of economic security in the country. The tasks of the analysis are to identify deficiencies in the management system and ways
to eliminate them. The novelty of the article consists in a comprehensive analysis of the main reasons and factors of the growing danger
for the intensification of stagnation and the economy lagging behind the advanced countries. The main weaknesses and shortcomings of state
management of the process of ensuring economic security are revealed: the growth of bureaucracy, corruption, the preservation of a backward
resource-export model of the economy. A number of necessary reforms of the state apparatus and diversification of economies are proposed.

Keywords: public administration, economic security, threats, bureaucracy, corruption, depression, economic model.



E. V. Yakovleva, Yu. S. Ilina
Industrial dynamics in conditions of digitalization of economy
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-114-120
This paper examines the impact of digitalization on the industry of Russian economy. The results of an analytical study of the impact of digitalization
on the dynamics of manufacturing enterprises are presented. The target setting is focused on the analysis of industrial dynamics in the context
of the digitalization of the economy and the identification of prerequisites for the formation of an intelligent infrastructure for technological development
in industry. The relevance of the study is due to the need to modernize industrial enterprises in the digital economy by updating fixed assets
and putting into operation new equipment and software products (Compass-3D, SolidWorks, Mathcad, etc.) in accordance with the pace
of modern technologization.

Keywords: technologization, digital economy, manufacturing industry, modernization, economic dynamics, intellectualization,
infrastructure of technological development.



I. N. Gorelova, N. A. Kuzmina
Main approaches to primary distribution of labor resources by profession
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-121-127
The article addresses the issues of the primary distribution of labor resources of the country and the region by profession. The main problems related
to primary distribution are outlined; subjects of career guidance work are identified. The authors consider the mechanism of the primary distribution
of labor resources, give statistics on the work of the reception commission of OmSTU — the largest Omsk university.

Keywords: labor resources, career guidance, primary professional choice, secondary professional choice, primary distribution of labor resources
by professions, professional self-determination, higher educational institutions, labor resource formation space, targeted training.



A. A. Ermolina, D. A. Stepanenko
Industrial policy: state stimulation of innovative activity of enterprises
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-3-128-135
The study is devoted to the development of methods of state stimulation of innovative activity of industrial enterprises. The aim is to develop proposals
for improving state policy of increasing the innovative activity of industrial organizations, their systematization and the creation of a classification
of methods. The article examines the regulatory framework for the implementation of innovative activities, analyzes the indicators characterizing
the innovative activity of enterprises, identifies the obstacles to their innovative development, analyzes the effectiveness of the current industrial state
policy and trends in its change. Conclusions are drawn about the low innovative activity of industrial enterprises due to the ineffectiveness of industrial
policy and government incentives. We proposed the new methods of state stimulation of innovative activity and we made their classification.
The implementation of the developed approaches and methods will increase the innovative activity of enterprises and the competitiveness
of the national economy.

Keywords: innovative activity, industrial policy, government incentives, innovations, economic growth, accelerated depreciation,
renewal of fixed assets.
