Vol. 6, no. 4, 2021




E. I. Krasilnikova, O. A. Gromova
Memorial space of small towns in Novosibirsk region in historical dynamics (second half of XIX–XX centuries)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-9-16
The article is devoted to the overview of the main stages of formation and development of the memorial space of small towns in the Novosibirsk region
in the second half of XIX–XX centuries. The contexts of the memory politics that influenced the memorial processes in these towns are revealed. The
distinctive specificity of developing memorial space of small towns in comparison with Novosibirsk and other big cities of the region is defined. The research
is based on published and unpublished works by local historians and specialists in the protection of monuments. The documentation from museums, the
All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture and its Novosibirsk branch is used in this article. The result of the research reveals
the general specificity of the memorial space of small towns in the Novosibirsk region in the XIX–XX centuries, as well as the peculiarities of its development
in the seven historical stages identified by the authors.

Keywords: memorial space, monuments, memorial sites, politics of memory, commemoration, small towns, Novosibirsk region, cultural anthropology.

Yu. A. Biryukova
The problem of maintaining balance of liberal and conservative principles at the congresses of clergy and Laity of
Southern Russia in 1917

DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-17-25
The article examines the congresses of clergy and laity that took place after the February Revolution of 1917 in the South of Russia — on the Don, Stavropol
and Kuban, which were the part of the movement propagated throughout the country. It marked the broad inclusion of clergy and laity in the reform of the synodal
system of relations and the solution of accumulated intra-church problems. The author examines the nature of the expansion of the participation of parish clergy
and laity in church administration, the participation of diocesan bishops in these processes, the question of how the participants of the congresses imagined
combining these ideas with the traditional hierarchical structure of the Church. The study is based on the protocols of the congresses of the clergy and laity
and the discussion of their decisions on the pages of the periodical press of that time. The author comes to the conclusion that the congresses of the South of
Russia have shown a desire to unite all members of the church community, without violating the traditional right of diocesan bishops to church governance. The
revolt against the episcopal authority has passed the Cossack territories. In the inclusion of lower clergy and laity in the church administration, their participants
saw the implementation of the principles of conciliarity. The most important component of the reform was the inclusion of laypeople in the church administration
bodies of different levels, which took place at the initiative of the clergy as a whole.

Keywords: Orthodox clergy, elective principle, church reform, conciliarity, laity, Russian Revolution, Civil War in Russia.

S. A. Velichko, V. A. Kutepov
On the question of reasons for beginning of Рerestroika (based on USSR and Siberian materials)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-26-33
The article is devoted to the study of the reasons for the beginning of perestroika in the USSR (1985–1991). The purpose of the article is to show that democratic
transformations began not as a result of the backwardness of isolation in the USSR, but in connection with urbanization, the growth of the level of education and
international communications. Also, the beginning of perestroika is associated with the crisis phenomena of the Soviet system, which are considered in the article
both on the basis of all-Russian and Siberian materials.

Keywords: perestroika, crisis of the Soviet system, urbanization, middle class, democracy.

T. V. Glazunova
On the issue of protecting labor rights of minors in Omsk in early 1920’s
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-34-39
The article analyzes the work carried out in the USSR on child labor protection in the early 1920’s on the example of Omsk. The connection of the studied issue
with the historiography of the problem is given. In the context of the legislative framework affecting the work of adolescents and the work of supervisory authorities,
the problems faced by minors when applying for work are studied, the difficulties of the situation of children in Omsk are outlined, where one of the solutions to
improve their situation was assistance in finding employment. The work of Omsk labor protection inspectors is studied using specific examples. The publication is
addressed to researchers of everyday life, the history of labor relations and childhood in Western Siberia in the early 1920’s.

Keywords: new economic policy (NEP), Soviet society, child labor, adolescents, labor protection, everyday life, day-to-day routine, Omsk.


S. A. Chernyshov
Construction of the image of Ermak in late XVI–XVII centuries: official, church and folk traditions
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-40-46
IThe article examines the evolution of ideas about Ermak from the end of the 16th and throughout the 17th centuries, identifies the main subjects of constructing
his image. The aim of the study is to systematize and factorial analysis of the evolving discourses about Ermak’s campaign in the initial period of constructing
images and legitimizing the annexation of Siberia to the Russian state in internal communicative practices. The research is carried out on the basis of the analysis of
chronicles, act and diplomatic materials, materials of historical and ethnographic research. The article is the first to review the evolution of Ermak’s image in various
communication practices, not in the context of the search for «historical truth», but to analyze the factors of such evolution and the formation of the internal logic of
coexistence in one image of several contradictory characteristics. This study shows how, as a result of collective action on the construction of «Ermak» by various
subjects of communication (government, church, Stroganovs, folk art), a contradictory but universal image of a hero has come down to us, suitable for any
communication task — from justifying «Cossack freemen» to evidence of the «state» nature of the campaign to Siberia.

Keywords: Ermak, Siberian Khanate, Cyprian, Stroganovs, annexation of Siberia, Western Siberia, Ivan the Terrible.

A. Yu. Sablin
Corporate culture of Siberian warrant officers training schools during First World War
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-47-53
This article is an attempt to reconstruct the elements of the corporate culture of the schools for training warrant officers in Siberia (Omsk, Irkutsk) during the First
World War. Any corporate culture is the foundation of society. The absence of this foundation is one of the reasons for the atomization of society — social disunity,
which is expressed in a significant decrease in trust between people, the loss of the skills of collective problem solving and collective interaction. From this point of
view, corporate culture is a means of stabilizing society. Therefore, it is necessary to study the positive and negative aspects of corporate culture. The materials of
the 1st Kazan and Vladikavkaz (2nd Tiflis) schools for the training of infantry warrant officers are used in the work. As a result of the study, it is found that the corporate
 culture of the schools for the training of warrant officers in Siberia (Omsk, Irkutsk) included such elements as school holidays, school graduation badges, instructions
and historical memos for students, norms of etiquette, etc.

Keywords: Russian Empire, armed forces, corporate culture, warrant officers training schools, World War I, Omsk, Irkutsk.


Actual History

A. A. Zdanovich
«Conceptually, we should write not about how we won, but about how we fought on a long journey and through losses
 came to the Great Victory...»

DOI: 10.25206 / 2542-0488-2021-6-4-55-61
Aleksander Aleksandrovich Zdanovich — Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, veteran of the KGB of the USSR and the FSB of Russia, retired lieutenant general,
professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the author of several monographs on the history of Russian special services and the Great Patriotic War. He is
one of the founding fathers and president of the Society for the Study of the History of Russian Special Services and active organizer of the scientific conference
«Historical Readings in the Lubyanka». This interview was agreed upon during the scientific trip of A. A. Zdanovich to Omsk in September 2020. The interview was given
remotely and then edited by Aleksander Aleksandrovich from Moscow in September 2021. The conversation is devoted to the current state and prospects of studying the
 history of the Russian special services.

Keywords: domestic special services, state security bodies, Society for the Study of the History of Domestic Special Services, the Great Patriotic War, falsification of history.


Historical Archive

A. V. Sushko
«Popovsky mutiny»: on the issue of antiBolshevik riots in Omsk in February 1918
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-62-70
In the context of the events of the Russian Revolution, the author analyzes the events in Omsk on February 15–22, 1918, when the attempts of the regional Soviet
authorities to implement the «Decree on the separation of church from state and school from church» led to mass riots with bloodshed in Soviet historiography called
«priest’s rebellion». Sources from the two camps are published and analyzed. The church point of view is presented in the reports of the newspapers Tomsk church-social
bulletin and Tobolsk eparchial vedomosti. The view of the authorities is reflected in the memoirs of a prominent Soviet figure F. M. Shemis, who was a direct participant in
the described events. Comparing the information of the sources with the works of historians and the memoirs of an eyewitness, the author comes to the conclusion that a
chronologically broader view of the unrest in Omsk is necessary, as well as that the anti-Bolshevik «church side» was not a passive victim, 
but a full subject of the conflict, which was a manifestation of the flaring fratricidal confrontation — The Civil War in Russia. The published materials are of interest to 
researchers of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the events of the Russian revolution.

 Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, Russian revolution, Civil war in Russia, Siberia, Omsk, priestly revolt, Bishop Sylvester (Olshevsky).


A. D. Matlin, A. S. Puchenkov
«I am convinced that we will not get into the Civil War...». Boris Yeltsin’s meeting with deputies of the Leningrad City Council,
March 22, 1991

DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-71-81
The publication is dedicated to staying Boris Yeltsin in Leningrad, March 22, 1991, and his meeting with the deputies of the Leningrad City Council XXI convocation. A
transcript of Boris Yeltsin’s speech to the Leningrad parliamentarians in the Mariinsky Palace is being introduced into scientific circulation. The publication of the document
was carried out according to the modern rules of archeography. The authors of most of the questions asked to Yeltsin have been identified, and reference information on their
persons has been provided. The content of the meeting in the Leningrad City Council reflects the severity of the internal political crisis in the USSR on the eve of its collapse,
when the rivalry between the main political leaders of the country: the President of the USSR M. S. Gorbachev and the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR
B. N. Yeltsin became especially acute. The materials of the publication are of interest to specialists in the socio-political history of Russia at the end of the twentieth century.

Keywords: Soviet Union, B. N. Yeltsin, A. A. Sobchak, M. S. Gorbachev, Leningrad City Council, deputies, Leningrad, referendum.


V. V. Tselishchev, A. V. Khlebalin
Conception of understanding in mathematical proof
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-82-86
The article analyzes the role of the concept of understanding in mathematical proof. Understanding seems to be a natural and necessary characteristic of proof, interpreted
as an argument in favor of the established result. It is shown that in general two traditions in the treatment of mathematical proofs can be distinguished, going back to
Descartes and Leibniz. It arguments for conceptual treatment of category of understanding which is not connected with individual mental acts are resulted. The prospect of
achieving conceptual understanding in the computational interpretation of mathematical proof is problematized.

Keywords: understanding, mathematical proof, formalization, computation, computer proof.

O. V. Gorodovich
Innate mechanism or acquired instrument: nature of language as basis for understanding cognitive abilities of human beings
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-87-91
The article contains a critical review of modern problems of Universal Grammar theory by Noam Chomsky. It examines the origins of the theory, the process of its
development, the transition to the ‘Second Cognitive Revolution’ and some recent objections to Chomsky’s hypothesis about the innate status of our knowledge of

Keywords: universal grammar, nativism, Chomsky’s hypothesis, educational practices, cognitive approach, human nature.

Critical Notices and Comments

K. E. Himma
The Logic of Showing Possibility Claims: A Positive Argument for Inclusive Legal Positivism and Moral Grounds of Law /
trans. from English V. V. Ogleznev, D. V. Shvedov
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-92-109
In this essay, I argue for a view that inclusive positivists share with Ronald Dworkin. According to the Moral Incorporation Thesis (MIT), it is logically possible for a legal
system to incorporate moral criteria of legality (or ‘grounds of law’, as Dworkin puts it). Up to this point, the debate has taken the shape of attacks on the coherence of
MIT with the defender of MIT merely attempting to refute the attacking argument. I give a positive argument for MIT. I begin with an explanation of the logic of establishing
possibility claims, such as MIT. At the outset, it is worth noting that the logic of establishing possibility claims is very different from the logic of establishing contingent
descriptive claims or necessary claims. For this reason, some explication of the relevant features of the semantics of modal logic will be necessary here. Once the
structural framework is adequately developed, the argument for MIT will be grounded on the strength of a thought experiment of a surprisingly simple kind. Indeed, the
argument is inspired by a Razian argument for the possibility of a legal system without coercive enforcement machinery; on his view, a society of angels could still have a
system of law without any coercive machinery. My argument will possess two theoretically important qualities that are also possessed by Raz’s powerfully simple, but
ultimately unsuccessful, argument.

Keywords: morality, law, grounds of law, criteria of validity, inclusive positivism, exclusive positivism, Dworkin, natural law.


V. V. Ogleznev
Kenneth Himma’s metaphysical conceptualism as inclusive legal positivism
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-110-118
This article is an introduction to a very original legal theory developed by a contemporary American legal scholar Kenneth Einar Himma. His theory can be conditionally
called as Metaphysical Conceptualism, this fully corresponds to both his methodological approach (conceptual analysis and metaphysics of the properties of legal concepts)
and the claims he defends. The analysis proposed by Himma made a great theoretical contribution to the discussion of the intersection of morality and law and brought the
discussion between inclusive and exclusive legal positivism to a new qualitative level. And although his theory is not without flaws, it is certainly of serious scientific interest
for understanding the current state of discussions about law and morality.

Keywords: inclusive positivism, exclusive positivism, conceptual analysis, metaphysics, morality, law, Himma.


A. B. Didikin
In search of moral foundations of law: debate on nature of inclusive legal positivism
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-119-123
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the arguments of foreign jurists about the nature and advantages of inclusive legal positivism as a legal theory that justifies the
existence of moral foundations of the legal system. Examples from judicial practice are considered, as well as key theoretical approaches that reveal the necessary and
sufficient features of inclusive legal positivism, as well as its subject specifics and basic provisions on the relationship between law and morality. The paper is prepared
within the framework of the HSE research project «Applied Ethics».

Keywords: law, morality, inclusive legal positivism, exclusive legal positivism, moral grounds of law, judicial discretion, H. Hart, W. Waluchov, K. Himma.

Pros and Cons 

A. Geddes
Think Twice, It’s All Right: Animalism, Disunity and the Self / trans. from English V. A. Sermaksheva
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-124-129
According to animalism, each of us is numerically identical to a human animal. Disunity cases – cases in which a human animal lacks some form of mental unity – are
often thought to pose a problem for animalism. Tim Bayne has recently offered some novel arguments against animalism based on one particular disunity case, namely
Cerberus: a single animal with two heads, each housing its own stream of consciousness. I show that Bayne’s arguments are flawed, and that animalism is capable of
handling the case.

Keywords: animalism, the case of Cerberus, I-thoughts, the first-person perspective, personal identity.


S. Yu. Shevchenko
We are all a little bit Cerberus: towards bioethical applicability of animalism
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-130-138
I consider the applicability of the animalism in the framework of bioethical discussions — in particular related to situations in which a person is the cause of an event that
is outside of her intentions, foexample, infection with a dangerous disease. Animal or living organism are more adequate concept for posing this problem than the ‘Lockean’,
psychological, personality. However, the conceptualization of the animal, proposed by the most famous animalist Eric Olson, turns out to be inappropriate for the bioethical
formulation of bioethical problems. I suppose that Olson’s logic striving to cleanse the animal of everything that can be recognized as not proper part of it to some extent
repeats the logic of constructing a transcendental subject. At the same time, the complexity of some bioethical problems emerges due to the impossibility of relying on the
concept of a transcendental subject. The figure of Cerberus, a two-headed animal, and a single agent, allows to develop an alternative interpretation of the animal (living
organism), more comprehensively characterizing who is involved in bioethical collisions. The article outlines the image of a single but distributed agent. As an example of
such biological (animalistic), but also cognitive (psychological) distribution, I suggest the animal’s possession of the inner and skin microbiome.

Keywords: bioethics, animalism, microbiome, extended cognition, metaphysics, pragmatism.



Yu. I. Rastova, М. A. Rastov
Some practical aspects of using balanced scorecard tools
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-139-145
This publication demonstrates the possibility of using the indicator «correspondence of the category of pieceworkers to the category of work performed» as an indicator
that provides identification, monitoring, forecasting of production losses, as well as setting goals for preventive, corrective and improvement actions. The methodological basis
of the study is the concept of a balanced scorecard that integrates the factors and conditions for the effective achievement of business goals into process and numerical
models. Cohort and variance analysis are used as methods for studying cause-and-effect relationships. It is concluded that the tools of the balanced scorecard allow the
best way to transform data into meaningful, ready-to-use information for decision-making.

Keywords: balanced scorecard, efficiency, production losses, monitoring, analysis, level reduction.


M. A. Miller
Methodological bases for monitoring technological transformation of regional industry
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-146-154
The article is devoted to the development of methodological tools for tracking the parameters of technological transformation in the production sector of the regional
economy. The definition of the concept of monitoring the technological transformation of industry is given, the means, methods, information base and observed parameters
of the monitoring process are identified and described. The types of tools for monitoring the technological transformation of industrial enterprises in the region are highlighted.
In the article, as part of the justification for monitoring the technological transformation of industry, its purpose, object, subjects, as well as consumers of monitoring results
are defined, which include the relevant executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, scientific organizations specializing in conducting scientific research in
the field of regional industrial development, and regional industrial enterprises. The general scheme of monitoring of technological transformation in industry is given. Two
tools for monitoring the technological transformation of the Omsk Region industry are proposed — the information and analytical system and the expert platform. The
tools are based on automating the processing of information about the components of technological transformation using web tools, as well as attracting experts to monitor
the transformation processes in the production base of industrial enterprises and analyze unstructured material. The typical difficulties of using tools for monitoring the
technological transformation of regional industry are summarized. The results of the analysis of the technological transformation of the regional industry determined by
the use of monitoring serve as the basis for the implementation by consumers of the results of monitoring regulatory measures to improve the regulatory and organizational
and managerial conditions for the participation of industrial enterprises of the Omsk region in the processes of technological transformation of the production base.

Keywords: technological transformation, monitoring, monitoring tools, industrial enterprises, region, Industry 4.0.


T. I. Gordievich, P. V. Ruzanov
Inflationary processes under conditions of the Coronavirus pandemic
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-155-162
The inflation dynamics in 2020 was reflected by an indicator of 4,9 %, which was higher than the inflation target of 4 %. The increase in inflation was affected by the
complex of internal and external factors. First of all, the Coronavirus situation in Russia affected. Inflationary processes have received new characteristics. The purpose of
the article is to analyze the reasons for the price increase in Russia in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic. The article uses comparison methods, factor analysis, and
the graphical method. Statistical indicators are used to analyze the factors of inflation. In the course of the analysis, the reasons for the price increase in Russia in 2020–2021
are formulated. Inflationary processes during the pandemic are caused by both traditional and non-traditional factors. The permanent factors include the monetary policy.

Keywords: inflation, consumer price index, macroeconomic demand, retail trade turnover, devaluation, key rate, money supply, world food prices.


E. A. Ivanova, V. A. Shlein
Regional economy development using event marketing tools and tender procedures
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-163-169
The article discusses the territorial marketing role in managing their economic development, examines foreign and Russian experience in the event marketing use in the
territory brand formation. The practice of holding gastronomic festivals as event marketing is studied. The authors developed recommendations to improve the procedures
for preparing and conducting for territory marketing events including the preparation of technical specifications and a contract budget for participation in tenders for the
purchase of holding event services.

Keywords: regional economy, territory branding, event marketing, tender procedures.



V. M. Fedorov
«The Art of War» by Sun Tzu and main provisions for strategic management
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2021-6-4-170-174
The ancient Chinese treatise «The Art of War» by Sun Tzu is relevant for modern strategic management for its practical orientation and lack of edifying attitudes. The
developments and strategies proposed in this treatise make it possible to find new opportunities for the development of strategic management. The main objectives of
the research are to identify the prerequisites for using the basic principles and calculations outlined in Sun Tzu’s «Art of War» in order to develop the content of modern
strategic management. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the provisions and categorical apparatus of the theory of strategic management. In this
article, general scientific theoretical research methods are used: the formal-logical method, methods of generalization, comparison and analogy. The results of the work
have an important theoretical and methodological significance for the development of the theory of strategic planning and control. The use of the universal principles of
the treatise «The Art of War» by Sun Tzu is applicable to strategies in local economic wars, they expand the possibilities for creating effective business strategies.

Keywords: principles, strategic management, theory of strategic management.