Vol. 8, no. 4, 2023




A. V. Ganin
The case of the «Volga Espionage Organization». 1919
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-5-12
Based on unpublished sources from the Central Archive of the FSS of Russia, the article examines in
detail the case of the counter-revolutionary «Volga Spy Organization» in the Red Army, investigated
by the Cheka in 1919. This plot found a fragmentary reflection in historiography. The purpose of this
work is to eliminate this gap. The theoretical basis of the study is a combination of the anthropological
 approach, problematic and biographical methods. As part of this case, along with other persons,
several students of the Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army were arrested, who were
suspected of a counter-revolutionary conspiracy. The course of the operational development of the
case, the conduct of the investigation, the composition of the defendants (among them were the
brothers Mikhail and Nikolai Tukhachevskiy, who escaped arrest), were analyzed, the features of the
sentences passed were discussed.

Keywords: Red Army, General Staff Academy, Cheka, Soviet secret services, repression, Civil War,
Eastern Front, M. N. Tukhachevsky, N. I. Koritsky, «Volga Espionage Organization».

D. I. Popov
State regulation of public libraries in Russia in the first half of the XIX century
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-13-18
The article reveals the content of state regulation of the activities of public libraries in Russia in the first
half of the 19th century. It is shown that the government showed interest in involving the public in the
development of the cultural life of urban centers, and therefore created relatively comfortable legal
conditions and an organizational environment for the work of public libraries. In the 1830, the authorities
tried, using bureaucratic methods, to introduce a public initiative to create public libraries in provincial
cities. In response to the proposal of the head of the Free Economic Society P. S. Mordvinova, the Minister
of Internal Affairs attracted the heads of regions – governors – to create a kind of library partnership.
Local authorities, for their part, had to guarantee legal status to provincial libraries, provide them with
organizational assistance, and representatives of the public, for their part, had to accept funding and
carry out ongoing library work. The government established a licensing procedure for opening public
 libraries, which received legal status and the ability to independently stock book depositories. In an
effort to prevent public libraries from becoming centers of anti-government propaganda, the
authorities exercised administrative and police supervision over them.
The results of the implementation of the ministerial project turned out to be modest: instead of the
planned fifty-two, only twenty-nine public libraries were opened, most of which ceased to exist within
10–15 years. However, the general principles of state regulation of the activities of provincial libraries
were extended to all other public libraries in Russia. In the middle of the 19th century, a library boom
began in the country, which was caused by numerous public initiatives from below.

Keywords: public libraries, public initiative, self-organization, state regulation, protective policy, censorship.


A. V. Sushko, N. V. Leader
School museum of combat glory of the 75th Guards brigade: history, experience
and importance of patriotic work
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-19-30
The article analyzes the history of the creation and development from the founding in 1973 to the present
day of the School Museum of Military Glory of the 75th Guards Brigade, located in the Secondary School
of the city of Omsk No. 41. The research was carried out on the basis of museum materials and documents
of the veteran organization of the military unit, stored in the Historical archive of the Omsk region. An
 assessment of the experience and social significance of the patriotic work carried out in the museum
is given. Particular attention is paid to the comparative historical study of the forms of work on the
 patriotic education of youth in the Soviet and modern Russian periods of national history. In conclusion,
recommendations are given for improving the work of the museum.

Keywords: Great Patriotic War, Omsk, 75th Stalin Volunteer Separate Rifle Brigade of Omsk-Siberians,
65th Guards Stalin Riga Rifle Division, museum of military glory, room of military glory, room of military
 glory, patriotism.


A. A. Fomenkov
The history of the democratic Russia movement in the Nizhny Novgorod region:
political defeat was logical
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-31-35
The article is devoted to the history of the functioning of the movement «Democratic Russia» and,
first of all, the Nizhny Novgorod branch of this structure. The aim of the work was to identify the features
of the political activity of the movement «Democratic Russia» in 1990–1992 in the Nizhny Novgorod
region. The tasks of the work are related to the identification of the most significant Nizhny Novgorod
 representatives of the movement, as well as the causes of splits in the organization. It was revealed
that the reasons for the weakening and extinction of the movement «Democratic Russia» were almost
the same both in the center and at the regional level.

Keywords: movement «Democratic Russia», activity, Nizhny Novgorod region, B. N. Yeltsin, B. E. Nemtsov,
V. M. Vyshnepolsky, NTS, decline, anti-communism.


M. S. Novikov
Activities of government bodies and socio-political organizations on the creation
of territorial autonomy of the Siberian Tatars (1989–1997)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-36-45
The purpose of the study conducted by the author was to determine a number of ethnic, economic
 and political factors. Factors that required the elaboration of the idea of creating territorial autonomy
 of the Siberian Tatars in the north of the Omsk and south of the Tyumen regions of the Russian
 Federation as an alternative to the growth of separatist insistence. At the same time, special
attention was paid to the study of the views and activities of representatives of government bodies,
 socio-political organizations and subjects of economic relations in Western Siberia. The author's
research was conducted using a wide range of sources: documents of authorities and public
organizations, reference materials, printed publications of authorities and public organizations,
published memoirs of participants in the movement for the revival of Siberian Tatars and data
obtained during meetings with them, materials of journalistic investigations. In the course of the
research, the author turned to the method of historicism, in which synchronistic, statistical and
comparative historical methods were used. The results of the study were the recognition of the
 inexpediency of creating the territorial autonomy of the Siberian Tatars based on ethnic factors
and its complexity in view of the economic and political situation prevailing in the Russian Federation
 in the 1990.

Keywords: Siberian Tatars, Siberian Khanate, Tatarstan, Omsk oblast, Tyumen oblast, territorial
autonomy, Milli-Majlis of Siberian Tatars, Tatar-Bashkir movement «Vatan».

M. A. Knyazev
The relationship between the palace commandant V. A. Dedyulin and the
rightists: ideological unity or mutually beneficial cooperation?
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-46-51
The article examines the problematic issue of the nature of the relationship between the palace
commandant V. A. Dedyulin and representatives of right-wing political forces at the beginning of
the 20th century. The purpose of the article is to determine what was the basis of interaction
between V. A. Dedyulin and the right - ideological unity or mutually beneficial cooperation? The
 sources of the study were both published and unpublished documents, in particular, personal
and business correspondence of the palace commandant from the collections of the Russian
State Historical Archive. The idea of V. A. Dedyulin, established in historiography, as an ideological
 sympathizer of the monarchist camp is criticized and the liberal nature of the ideas of the head
 of the imperial guard is substantiated. The article concludes that the relationship between
V. A. Dedyulin and the right was built on a pragmatic basis and was more likely to represent
cooperation based on mutual benefit rather than ideological unity.

Keywords: V. A. Dedyulin, palace commandant, First Russian Revolution, political parties of Russia,
Union of the Russian People, Nicholas II, V. M. Purishkevich.


D. A. Maliuchenko
On the degree of import dependence of the merchant fleet of the Russian Empire
on the eve and at the beginning of the First World War
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-52-58
The article analyzes the scale of the influence of foreign capital on the development of the commercial
fleet of the Russian Empire on the eve of the First World War and the resulting restrictions on the use of
 civilian vessels at the beginning of the armed conflict. On the basis of previously published statistical
 data and archival documents introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, various degrees
of dependence on the import of spare parts of sea and river merchant fleets, as well as the level of
 satisfaction of the country's needs achieved by them, are demonstrated. The main manifestations of
 the critical dependence of Russian merchant ships on a number of German-made components are
highlighted. The author concludes that the seemingly catastrophic situation of the maintenance of
foreign-made ships was actually resolved, including thanks to the actions of the Russian government
and the establishment of a channel for the supply of foreign equipment to domestic ports.

Keywords: World War I, merchant fleet, foreign trade, import dependence, requisition, naval conscription.

V. M. Tarelko
Procurement in the field of military property: to the activities of the Russian
Supply Committee in America in 1917
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-59-64
In the article has been attempted to consider the position of the Russian Supply Committee in America,
the problems and the state of its structural units during the significant 1917 year of last active cooperation
 with the Allied powers in military procurement during the First World War. As the Russian Supply
Committee is currently presented fragmentally in the scientific historical literature, the author has
identified the following purpose of this article – to reduce and expand the available material on the
activities of the Russian Supply Committee into a unified picture, paying special attention to the perception
of its activities in the American press, the problem of transportation, the issue of the introduction of
liquidation policy in relation to purchase order, efforts to purchase transport property. The article was
written on the basis of unpublished sources (materials of the office work of the Russian Supply
Committee, correspondence of General N. M. Khrabrov with the Main Directorate for Foreign Supply
and the authorized Ambassador from the Russian government B. A. Bakhmetyev, orders and instructions
of the Main Directorate for Foreign Supply, materials of the Special Investigative Commission) identified
in the funds of the Russian State Historical Archive. As a result, the author concluded that in the
conditions of political instability and stagnant organizational and structural problems, the Russian
Supply Committee could not properly resolve the issue of purchasing military property on the American

Keywords: the Russian Supply Committee in America, military-technical cooperation, World War I,
transport procurement, the Main Military-Technical Directorate, the Main Directorate for Foreign Supplies,
Russian army.

Actual History


Yu. Z. Kantor
«The exhibition opened in a doubly non-random place...»
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-65-70
In September-October 2023 in the Hermitage-Siberia center of the Omsk Region Museum of Fine Arts.
M. A. Vrubel hosted the exhibition «Siberian Seasons of the Leningrad Philharmonic. To the 80th
anniversary of the 1943 tour»; the project had great public outcry. The exhibition featured unique
documents, restored at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
related to the stay and creative activities of the Philharmonic in the Siberian rear. A conversation with
 Yu. Z. Kantor, the curator of this museum project, that took place in October 2023, is devoted to its
significance and substantive features.

Keywords: cultural anthropology, musical culture, museum work, exhibitions, the Great Patriotic War,
evacuation, Siberian rear, everyday life, D. D. Shostakovich, M. N. Tukhachevsky, Omsk.

History Name

S. V. Novikov
Alexander Dmitrievich Kolesnikov (1919–2012): Patriarch of historical science
in Siberia
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-71-79
The formation of the Soviet social and political system was accompanied by the internationalization of
education and the development of regional historical science. In the course of education, not only the
socio-economic history of the region was studied, but also its integration into the state.
The purpose of the article is to identify the impact of socio-economic and political processes on the
research activities Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kolesnikov A. D.
The conclusion is beyond doubt – A. D. Kolesnikov is the creator of a separate direction for the study of
settlement and economic development of Siberia in the XVI – XIX centuries. This personality is interesting
because his professional formation coincided with the development of the Soviet state: a student in
the pre–war years, a soldier who passed two wars, a manager, a witness to the development of
Siberia in the 1950s – 1980s and a teacher of a higher educational institution. We managed to show
how socio-political changes influenced scientific and educational activities.

Keywords: A. D. Kolesnikov, the peasant settlement of Siberia, the history of the districts of the Omsk
region, the formation of the Soviet intelligentsia, SibADI, the memory of the Great Patriotic War.



S. A. Papkov
A new publication on the history of Tuva (about the book by Z. Y. Dorzhu and O. Y. Irgit
Рolitical repressions in the Tuva People’s Republic (1921–1944) – Novosibirsk, 2023)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-80-83
This analytical review focuses on the work of Tuvinian researchers on the causes and consequences of political
purges in Tuva during the existence of the Republic as a formally sovereign state. The authors of the book
consistently reconstruct the main cycle of socio-political events in the region, figuring out how the experience
 and practices of revolutionary Russia passed on to Tuvinian soil. The ways and peculiarities of promotion of
new leading cadres in the Republic and development of inter-clan struggle for power, formation of unusual
party-state system, which allowed its leaders to widely use punitive measures against their opponents are
considered. The reviewed work vividly presents historical portraits of major leaders of Tuva, demonstrates
methods and ways of their promotion to political avant-garde, as well as the tragic end of careers of many
of them.
The published book is evaluated as a major contribution to the historiography of Tuva, thanks to new facts
and interpretations of socio-political events in Central Asia in the first half of the 20th century.

Keywords: Tuva Republic, Soviet Union, leading cadres, political repressions, purges, victims of political repressions.



E. V. Borisov
Kaplan and Marti on definite descriptions
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-84-88
Donnellan’s distinction between referential and attributive uses of definite descriptions gave rise to
controversy between semantic and pragmatic accounts of referentially used descriptions. Kaplan
adumbrated and Marti elaborated in detail a semantic account that assimilates referentially used definite
descriptions with proper names in the sense of the theory of direct reference. I argue that the evidence
Kaplan-Marti theory relies on is inappropriate, and conclude that Kaplan-Marti theory has no advantage
over the pragmatic account of referential use in Donnellan’s sense.

Keywords: definite description, referential use of definite descriptions, proper name, direct reference theory.


Actual Philosophy

V. V. Vasilyev
«Diamonds and Mirages»
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-89-93
Vadim Valeryevich Vasiliev is Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian
Academy of Sciences, and cofounder and member of the Academic Council of the Moscow Center for
Consciousness Research at the Philosophy Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The
talk is dedicated to the specifics of analytic philosophy in Russia.

Keywords: analytic philosophy, history of philosophy, Russian philosophy, scholasticism.


C. McGinn
Why Is It Good to Be Alive? / trans. from Engl. R. L. Kochnev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-94-98
The essay raises the problem of the value of life. For living organisms like us, it appears to be an unconditionally
good. It seems that the necessary grounds for such an attitude must be in the ontological structure of life itself.
But an impartial analysis shows that the value of life is something external to life itself.

Keywords: life, death, value, pleasure, knowledge.


Critical Notices and Comments


A. V. Mertsalov
In defence of the standard psychological theory: can a person be a type?
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-99-115
The paper presents a defense of the standard psychological theory of personal identity against Mark Walker’s criticism
of it. Walker claims that the conceptual tools of standard psychological theory of personal identity are insufficient to
solve the problematic cases of branching in the context of moral and legal responsibility questions, and argues in favor
of an approach to these problems that involves the type/token distinction. In the current paper I argue against Walker
that the approach he suggests is untenable, and that the conceptual tools of standard psychological theory are
sufficient to provide an adequate analysis of the cases mentioned.

Keywords: personal identity, moral responsibility, Strawsonian theories, psychological
theory of personal identity, type and token theory, branching.


E. B. Dvoryadkina, A. A. Eliseeva, N. A. Istomina
Digital environment of development of regional markets of personal services and measures
of their regulation
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-116-125
The article is devoted to the empirical content characteristics of the digital environment affecting the functioning and
 development of regional markets for personal services. The list of indicators reflecting the formation of the digital
environment has been clarified and trends in their changes in the framework of the implementation of national projects
 of the Russian Federation have been identified. It is established that the digital environment contributes to the
evolution of telecommunication services that allow economic agents of regional markets of personal services to
communicate through personal services. Consequently, it becomes possible, for example, the development of
healthcare with the help of personalized medicine or, for example, the use of personalized learning opportunities,
etc. Also, measures to regulate regional markets for personal services in the digital environment are considered
and examples of regional practices are given. The authors emphasize such a major trend in the development of
 regional consumer services markets as digitalization, and, in turn, it allows us to identify factors contributing to
the development of regional markets for personal services.

Keywords: personal services, regional personal services market, online experience, digital environment, digital
services, regulation.

E. V. Yakovleva, O. V. Propp
Organizational and managerial improvement of the regional labor market of specialists based
on elements of an institutional approach
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-126-132
The article discusses various approaches used for labor market research, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages,
 which makes it possible to substantiate the institutional approach as the most relevant for studying the improvement
of the regional labor market for specialists in modern conditions of technological transformation based on digitalization.
The result of the study is presented, which is the development of an organizational and managerial mechanism in the
 form of a comprehensive system of management stages, including certain organizational and economic activities
implemented at all levels of management of the regional labor market of specialists as a specific category of workers.

Keywords: regional labor market, specialist, institutional approach, digital economy, transformation, organizational
and managerial mechanism.


A. V. Zinich
Motives and socio-professional orientations of young people when choosing a profession
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-133-138
The article examines the motives and socio-professional orientations of young people in the labor market of the region.
 The relevance of the study of this topic is caused by a fairly high proportion of young people among the able-bodied
population of Russia (about 35 %), as well as the strategic role of youth in the economic development of the country.
Empirical data were obtained as a result of a survey conducted on the basis of the 2021 study in ten regions of the
Siberian Federal District. Its main purpose was to assess the factors and motives influencing the choice of profession
and the beginning of work. The reasons for the choice of an educational institution and a place of work by young people,
 their salary expectations and the main directions of the development of the system of employment of graduates of
educational institutions are analyzed. The research materials can be used in the educational process, in the system
of professional orientation, by managers and specialists of enterprises, researchers.

Keywords: youth, labor market, motives of labor activity, socio-professional orientation.


N. M. Kalinina, N. A. Kulik
Assessing the degree of innovative readiness of systemic transformation of management
in the context of transition to the sixth technological paradigm
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-139-145
The relevance of the study is due to the need for Russia to actively enter the new post-industrial technological order
of the sixth generation, which requires not only an infrastructural basis, but also a scientific and managerial potential.
These circumstances, characterized by high rates of change, actualize the tasks of rethinking the value orientations
of the management of industrial enterprises, especially in terms of technologies, methods and management tools,
focused on the priorities of innovative development, reasonably considered as the managerial basis for technological
modernization of the economy based on innovative solutions. The aim of the work is to assess the degree of readiness
for the transformation of management systems in the context of the transition to the sixth technological order in the
context of studying the innovative activity of industrial entities in the field of developed production technologies, including
integrated management and control (best practices for organizing and managing production). The article considers
dynamic, structural, trend qualitative variations of the developed advanced production technologies in the Russian
Federation for 2000–2021. based on a significant array of statistical data. The authors concluded that there are positive
growth dynamics of developed advanced production technologies, qualitative structural shifts
towards Russian developments.

Keywords: management, economics, innovation activity, the sixth technological order, advanced production technologies,
integrated management and control, advanced methods of organizing and managing production, integrated controlling.


A. V. Shastin
The economics of hybridization: working with intellectually capacious processes and products
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-146-151
The purpose of the article is to consider the concept of hybridization economics, what forms it takes, how the growth
 of hybridization rates will affect business processes using examples of complex work with intellectually capacious
 processes and products. After COVID-19, the main characteristic of the modern economy is hybridization. In theory,
 it is a combination of several subjects, processes, and technologies. The author identifies several stages of
hybridization. The first is the use of circuitry to control economic processes. At this stage, a person adapts to the 
technique. The second stage is the appearance of human dimension. Equipment and technical products in their
parameters should be commensurate with the person, convenient for him to use. In contrast to the first stage, a
person subordinates technology and digital systems, using them to strengthen himself. Hybrid offices are
used in the economy. The next stage is management and interaction with intellectually capacious objects. It is
predicted in the near future, according to various sources, the transition to the next stage – the hybridization
of property.

Keywords: hybridization, hybridization of property, hybrid office, circuit engineering, system engineering,
financial technologies, human dimension.

R. E. Gartvich
Nowcasting of Russian manufacturing output using business survey data
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2023-8-4-152-160
This article is devoted to checking the possibility of using business survey data surveys to nowcasting of Russian
manufacturing output: analysis of business cycles and short-term forecasting (1 month ahead). The study uses data from
business surveys of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and S&P
Global. The results of these surveys are published promptly (20 days or more ahead of the release of official statistics)
and are freely available. The study shows that the indicators of the Federal State Statistics Service (economic situation,
number of employees, business confidence index, output, demand, export) allow to increase the accuracy of forecasts
by 21–39 % and have a high correlation with business cycles of the manufacturing industry. In general, the use of most
business survey indicators improves short-term forecasts of manufacturing output, more than half of the indicators
have a correlation coefficient greater than 0.8 with the business cycles of this sector of the economy.

Keywords: nowcasting, business survey, leading indicators, manufacturing, business cycles.