Vol. 9, no. 3, 2024




S. V. Smirnov
«Only anarchy can give us the opportunity to defeat the Soviet government»:
a memorandum by General M. K. Dieterichs to the leadership of the ROVS (1930)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-5-12
The article analyzes a memo fr om the head of the Shanghai branch of the General Military Union, General M. K. Dieterichs,
to the leadership of the ROVS, which is practically unknown to domestic researchers. The document is kept in the collections
of the Bakhmetyev Archive of Russian and Eastern European History and Culture at Columbia University. The text of the
memo shows the discrepancy between the author’s realistic assessment of the international situation in the Far East, the
situation in the Far Eastern regions of the USSR, wh ere there was an increase in discontent with the activities of the Soviet
government, as well as the state of White emigration in China and the presentation of the prospects of the anti-Soviet
movement based on Dieterichs’ belief in the exclusively repressive and spiritually alien Russian people essence of Soviet
 power and readiness a significant part of the ordinary military emigration to sacrifice in the overthrow of the «Bolshevik yoke».
In the end, this discrepancy had a negative impact on the course of the anti-Soviet struggle.

Keywords: White emigration, anti-Soviet movement, M. K. Dieterichs, Far Eastern Department of the ROVS,  Bakhmetyev
Archive, Shanghai, China.


I. Yu. Berezhanskaya
Cultural work provisions in the Zionist organization «Gekholuts» program documents
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-13-20
The Zionist movement idea did not leave indifferent representatives of the Jews in the Russian Empire. In connection with
the repeal of restrictive laws after February 1917, the political activity of the Jewish population increased significantly.
However, October 1917 changed the direction of the Zionist movement, as the new government gradually began to persecute
members of the parties and organizations that existed at that time, declaring them counter-revolutionary and anti-Soviet.
At that time, the Zionist movement was already a political force with programmatic documents, statutes, educational literature,
printing presses. One of the issues that occupied her mind was the question of educational and cultural work in the ranks of the
Zionist movement. One of the organizations that prepared young people for a new life in the new state was «Gekholuts».
Program documents covering the main points of her work in Soviet Russia have been preserved in Russian archives and
partially published. They contain information about what kind of cultural work should be carried out with young adherents
of the Zionist idea in building a future Jewish state. By 1930, the Soviets had eradicated the Zionist movement, and its
followers moved to Palestine whenever possible to implement their ideas, particularly on the importance of cultural
work, there.

Keywords: State Archive of the Russian Federation, Zionism, «Gekholuts», Soviet Russia, cultural work, Palestine.


N. V. Leader
Mass-political work of party and Komsomol organizations of the city of Omsk on the formation
of the 75th Stalinist volunteer separate rifle brigade of Omsk-Siberians (July–September 1942)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-21-29
Based on an analysis of the activities of party and Komsomol organizations in the city of Omsk, the article shows the main
directions and forms of mass political work carried out by local authorities to form the 75th Stalin volunteer separate rifle
brigade of Omsk-Siberians. The author traces this activity fr om its beginning until the brigade was sent to the front. The study
is conducted on the basis of a set of published and unpublished records of the Omsk city and regional committees of the
All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), the NKVD for the Omsk region and the memoirs of brigade veterans. It is carried
out on the basis of a microhistorical approach, which made it possible to detail the features of mass political work in the process
of forming a military unit during the Great Patriotic War. The article reveals the public mood of Omsk residents, which they
demonstrated regarding the creation of a volunteer brigade. In conclusion, an assessment is made of the activities of party and
Komsomol organizations in the city of Omsk and the most important principles of mass political work to form a brigade of
Omsk-Siberians are formulated.

Keywords: : Great Patriotic War, Omsk, 75th Stalin’s volunteer separate rifle brigade of Omsk-Siberians,mass political work,
 party and Komsomol organizations, patriotism.


A. K. Potapov
Ecological movement in Baltic republics in the years of perestroika
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-30-34
The article is devoted to the history of the environmental movement in the Baltic republics during the first stages of
perestroika (1985–1987). The aim of the paper is to analysis of the use of the environmental agenda to develop political
national opposition in the Soviet Baltic republics during the years of perestroika. The objectives of the study are to identify
the peculiarities of the formation and activities of movements in defence of ecology in the Baltic republics; to identify the
main nodes of environmental problems in each Baltic republic (development of phosphorites in Estonia, planning of oil
production on the Curonian Spit in Lithuania, construction of Daugavpils hydroelectric power station). As a result, the Baltic
intelligentsia who initiated discussion of these problems and managed to organize various protest actions gained some
experience in mobilizing the population of the republics, which was then used in the creation of Popular Fronts and movements.
They in turn triggered disintegration mechanisms in the USSR in the next stages of perestroika.

Keywords: Daugavpils, Soviet Baltic States, Curonian Spit, Rakvere region, environmental movements, Union ministries,
nationalist opposition.


R. V. Rybakov
Problems of eliminating youth unemployment in Omsk in the 1920s
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-35-40
The article is devoted to the analysis of socio-economic methods to overcome youth unemployment in Omsk in the 1920s.
Archival materials and regional periodicals are used as the main source base. The publication demonstrates the
dependence of the nature of youth unemployment on the specifics of regional industry and analyzes the factors influencing
employment dynamics. The author comes to the conclusion that limited material resources and the lack of high demand for
qualified specialists made it difficult to solve the problem. At the same time, thanks to the increase in the number of
adolescents in the vocational education system, it was possible to stabilize the situation with youth employment and
improve their financial situation.

Keywords: youth unemployment, factory apprenticeship, teenage employment, labor exchange, NEP, collective of the
unemployed, Soviet society, everyday life


L. V. Merkulova
Activity of the Tyumen Commodity Exchange (1910–1917)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-41-47
The article analyzes the factors and reasons that influenced the opening of the commodity exchange in Tyumen, as well
as its activities in the period fr om 1910 to 1917. Based on the study of press materials and unpublished sources from the
funds of the State Archive of the Tyumen region and the application of historical methods such as historical-comparative,
historical-genetic, statistical, the aim of the study is achieved — the mechanism of the exchange is analyzed, the main
directions of its activities are identified, its efficiency is assessed.

Keywords: economic history, stock exchange business, Tobolsk province, trade, merchants, commodity exchanges, Tyumen.



V. A. Yakovchuk
Healthcare and traditional medicine in the Tobolsk North: the view of political exiles
of the late 19th century
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-48-55
This article, based on memoirs, correspondence and works of political exiles, examines the specifics of medical practice
and traditional medicine in the Tobolsk North at the end of the 19th century. The point of view of patients, the dynamics of
relations between them and their attending physicians in the context of the harsh natural and climatic conditions of the North
and a different sanitary and hygienic culture are analyzed. The problems of alcoholism of doctors, lack of medical personnel,
the negative influence of local officials and the neglectful attitude of the tsarist government are studied. Based on historical
sources, the features of traditional medicine, witchcraft and shamanism, their significance in the worldview of the local
population are considered. In conclusion, the general state of health care and its importance in the daily life of political exiles,
the role of provincial authorities in the system of political exile in the North of Western Siberia are assessed.

Keywords: political exile, populists, traditional medicine, everyday life, witchcraft, healthcare, Tobolsk North.


Vivant professMres!
А. S. Puchenkov
On the anniversary of the remarkable Siberian historian
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-56-62
This article is devoted to the review of the research and teaching activities of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor 
Alexey Vladimirovich Sushko. By means of the analysis of the latest historiography, conducted in the vision of the 
problematic and biographical methods, the research provides the author’s analytical assessment of the contribution of this
major academic specialist to the development of modern Russian historical science and higher education.

Keywords:historical science, scientists, historians, anniversaries, special services, Civil War, Russian Orthodox Church,

History Name

S. V. Novikov
Evgeny Ivanovich Timonin: historian and teacher. 1927–2013
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-63-69
The article is a comprehensive study of the biography and scientific work of Evgeny Ivanovich Timonin. As part of the
study of the biography, the author, actively relying on the poetic legacy of E. I. Timonin, publications in scientific journals
and the press, restores the picture of rural life in Soviet Siberia in the 1920s and 1930s. Later, E. I. Timonin’s studies at
Tomsk State University, his contacts with teachers and front-line students, are studied. The author of the article pays great
attention to the service of E. I. Timonin worked at the Ministry of State Security of the USSR, his work at the Beloyarsk
seven-year school, Omsk Higher School of Militia. A serious volume of the article is devoted to the analysis of E. I.
Timonin’s cooperation with the Omsk regional organization of the society «Knowledge» and work after the collapse of
the USSR. E. I. Timonin left 200 works on history and historiography, 10 monographs, 20 pamphlets and dozens of
newspaper publications on the history of the region to future generations of historians. A more worthy monument to the
historianresearcher could not be found. The article is intended to perpetuate the memory of E. I. Timonin, taking into
account his centennial anniversary.

Keywords: E. I. Timonin, Omsk, historiography, political emigration, the history of Siberia, Omsk Economic Institute,
perestroika, national reconciliation

N. V. Surzhikova
Prisoners of World War I in the Omsk Irtysh region: names, statuses, memory
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-70-78
The publication does not simply review the inter-fonds name index of prisoners of World War I mentioned in the metric
books of churches in the Omsk region (1914–1920). It is shown how formalized information from metric records can be
interpreted from the point of view of both nominative and statistical approaches. It is emphasized that in the light of the
data of the reviewed publication, the fate of captured foreigners in Russia ceases to look like non-alternative and
predetermined, and the prisoners themselves — only victims of war, victimized objects. The participation of prisoners
of war in the life of host communities allows specifying the degree of impact of captivity on the institutions and practices
common in provincial Russia, as well as considering captured foreigners as people whose destinies turned out to be
decisive for the destinies of thousands of other people who lived yesterday and live today.

Keywords: World War I, prisoners of war, metric books, geography of captivity, sociocultural and demographic statuses,
behavioral choices, memory



E. V. Borisov
Kaplan and Marti on Definite Descriptions: Non-Standard Cases of Referential Use
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-79-82
Donnellan’s distinction between referential and attributive uses of definite descriptions has two explanations — the semantic
and the pragmatic one. A version of semantic explanations was outlined by Kaplan and elaborated in detail by Marti. They
construe a referentially used definite description as a proper name in the Millian sense. In a recent paper, I showed that the
evidence Kaplan–Marti theory relies on is inappropriate with respect to the standard case of referential use, which makes the
pragmatic theory preferable. This paper is a continuation of the cited one. Here I examine a number of non-standard cases of
referential use and demonstrate that, with respect to them, Kaplan–Marti theory has no advantage over the pragmatic account

Keywords: Kaplan, Marti, definite description, proper name, referential use of definite descriptions, non-standard cases of
 referential use

S. N. Kasatkin        
Reconstructing J. L. Austin’s Method: ‘Linguistic Phenomenology’ as a Technology
of Philosophical Research
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-83-89
This article is aimed at an (upd ated) reconstruction of the method of philosophical research proposed by the prominent
British analytical philosophers, John Langshaw Austin (1911–1960) — a study of what we (should) say when and why —
alternative to its ‘canonical’ (and debatable) account, given more than half a century ago by Austin’s colleague and editor,
James Urmson. Resting on a wider range of sources, the article, first, presents the Austin’s method as a practical technology,
second, reformulates its intention and structure based on the key attitudes of the British thinker (the ideas of ‘strict’
philosophy and ‘linguistic phenomenology’), third, localizes the methodical components associated with them by the author.
As a result, the Austin’s method is revealed by means of three research stages (goal setting, formation of an empirical database
and its theoretical explanation) with their inherent tasks, procedures, techniques and methodical guidelines. Some related
limitations of the author’s method are also fixed, first of all, its focus not so much on creating a ‘high’ philosophical ‘theory’,
as on ensuring a greater rigor, factual rootedness and thereby usefulness of philosophical reasoning.

Keywords: J. L. Austin, linguistic phenomenology, ordinary language, linguistic philosophy, analytical philosophy,
methodology of philosophical research


K. E. Morozov    
Is income redistribution a violation of the categorical imperative?
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-90-98
In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Robert Nozick made the argument that income redistribution violates the Kantian
categorical imperative. Nozick’s retrospective enslavement argument is still used today in discussions about the moral
justification of taxation. This article explicates four implicit premises of Nozick’s argument: the self-ownership principle,
its fullness, the absence of restrictions on the appropriation of natural resources, and the absence of restrictions on the
distribution of the fruits of cooperation. Without additional justification for each of these premises, Nozick’s argument
cannot show that income redistribution violates the categorical imperative

Keywords: Immanuel Kant, John Rawls, Robert Nozick, categorical imperative, taxation, redistribution,self-ownership,


A. Pinzani
Towards a Kantian Argument for a Universal Basic Income / trans. from Engl. A. V. Nekhaev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-99-109
The paper defends that it is possible to offer a Kantian argument for justifying the introduction of Universal Basic Income
(UBI). It first briefly presents Philippe van Parijs’ argument for UBI based on the concept of real freedom for all. In doing
so, it will focus on its general structure and central insight, without entering too much into other issues like the economic
feasibility of UBI. It second briefly presents Kant’s concept of external freedom and especially focuses on some of its
components to assess whether there is some closeness to van Parijs’ concept of real freedom. It further considers whether
UBI is not only compatible with a Kantian position, but can be justified from such a position because it represents a tool
for concretely realizing external freedom as presented in the Doctrine of Right and for attaining the ethical ideal of virtuosity
presented in the Doctrine of Virtue.

Keywords: universal basic income, Van Parijs, Kant, real freedom for all, external freedom.

Critical Notices and Comments
K. E. Morozov
Stolen gametes and mereorganic continuity
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-110-117
The article is a commentary on the work of Roman Kochnev Teletransporter and Other Troubles, which is a critical
remark on the work of Alexey Kardash Teletransporter and Origami. First, the article reconstructs Kardash’s argument
against survival in Parfit’s teletransporter, as well as Kochnev’s criticism. Next, the principle of mereorganic continuity
proposed by Kardash is defended as a condition for the survival of the person. To answer Kochnev’s criticism, examples
of stolen gametes are simulated, which demonstrate that mereorganic continuity is a detector of causal relationships
necessary for the survival of the person. The article concludes by addressing the problem of the implicit dualism inherent
in Parfitian views on survival in teletransporter.
Keywords: personal identity, teleportation, causation, mereorganic continuity, survival, thought experiment,
dualism, mind.


C. McGinn
Is Romantic Self-Love Possible? / trans. from Engl. A. V. Nekhaev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-118-123
The essay examines the metaphysical possibility of romantic self-love. It makes difference between two forms of such
love feeling like de re and de dicto. Based on this difference, the impossibility of romantic self-love de dicto is demonstrated,
since this would violate one of the constitutive conditions of such a love feeling — the requirement of the numerical
distinctness between the lover and the beloved.

Keywords: romantic love, self-love, emotional surroundings, numerical distinctness.

T. G. Antropova, M. V. Shatokhin, N. M. Suray
Foreign experience in the development of entrepreneurial ecosystems and the possibility of its
application in Russia
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-124-134
At the heart of this study is the importance of understanding the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the context
of an ever-changing global economy. Researchers’ interest in conceptualizing entrepreneurial ecosystems has begun to
emerge in the last two decades. They are able to identify the key factors for a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem by
drawing analogies to natural ecosystems. The study summarizes the most important research findings in this area,
summarizing the key factors  necessary for an ecosystem to be considered entrepreneurial, with significant economic,
technological and social impact. The object of the study is the entrepreneurial ecosystem, which is considered as a
complex system consisting of various interconnected elements, including entrepreneurs, investors, mentors, educational
institutions and government agencies. This study provides an overview of the entrepreneurial ecosystems of the world’s
leading economies to identify their key characteristics  and strengths. The structural elements, support mechanisms, and
cultural factors that shape and differentiate these ecosystems are examined. The review aims to provide information that
may be useful to policymakers, businesses and stakeholders. The goal is to, by understanding the nuances of each ecosystem,
identify transferable best practices, promote cross-cultural collaboration, and contribute to a more sustainable and competitive
domestic business environment. This review highlights the different characteristics of entrepreneurial ecosystems in
India, the US and China to understand the intricacies that drive innovation and economic growth.As the global landscape
continues to evolve, this review serves as a valuable resource for shaping policy, strengthening  collaboration, and
deepening the collective understanding of what facilitates successful entrepreneurship in diverse and dynamic contexts.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystem, government regulation, economic development, foreign
experience, economic policy.


Yu. V. Baranov, D. Yu. Filippov.
The ways to improve the system of control over labour and equipment safety at the current
stage of economic development
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-135-140
The article examines the state of the organization of state control at the present stage of economic development in the
field of ensuring labor and equipment safety. An analysis of inspections in this area showed a decrease in their number
by federal inspections in order to reduce the burden on business. When studying the regulatory framework of the Russian
Federation on labor and equipment safety, as well as examining statistical data regarding the state of labor protection and
equipment safety in the Russian Federation, a conclusion was made about the lack of control in this area. In this regard,
the organizational development of public control is proposed.

Keywords: labour and equipment safety, labour protection, public inspector of trade unions, economic efficiency
of labour and equipment safety, state control, moratorium on inspections, trade union.


A. E. Miller, D. O. Drozdov
Study of scenarios for the sustainability of technological development of regional 
industrial complexes
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-141-148
The study reveals the results of consideration of problematic issues reflecting the choice of scenario options for the
sustainability of technological development of regional industrial complexes. The methodology of application of
modular models under study provided an opportunity to identify the goal orientation and key aspects of the sustainability
of technological development at the regional level. Among the specific features of the methodology under consideration,
it is advisable to include: a set of parameters of technological development; substantiation of the essential features
influencing the formation of a model of technological development of a regional industrial complex based on a
scenario-modular approach. The considered features provide an opportunity to specify the fundamental principles of the
classical theory of sustainable development in the context of insufficiently researched issues of the regional economy. In
the process of methodological application of the methodology under consideration, a scenario-modular approach is
 justified, aimed at achieving the goals of sustainability of technological development and expressed in the formation of
predictive scenarios of technological development based on local modules, various combinations of which allow synthesizing
all possible scenarios. The advantages of the scenario-modular approach include: the achievability of standardization of
technological development; identification of the integration nature of technological development; designing a predictive
option for investing resources in technological development; substantiation of a scenario modular model. The given model
makes it possible to: streamline the structure of products; systematize technological processes and management procedures.

Keywords: regional economy, technological development, sustainability, industrial complex, scenario, module.


S. G. Simonov, I. V. Lysenko
Russian business in the context of the growth of cybercrime: changes in economic behavior
 and protective mechanisms
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-149-157
The article is devoted to the identification and analysis of new vectors of cybercrime development, their localization
and prevention. The analysis of secondary data, questionnaires, and expert assessment are used as research methods
for  this problem. The statistics of cybercrime in foreign countries and Russia in recent years have been analyzed. It
is found out how the domestic business has changed its attitude to the security of information and information systems
of the companyThe sectoral landscape of cybercrimes in the Russian Federation for 2023 is presented. New vectors of
phishing development are considered in detail and the main resources forged by hackers during phishing attacks are
identified. Special attention is paid to phishing by the method of distribution, which today poses the greatest danger to
Russian companies. Spoofing has been studied as a new type of cyberattack, wh ere masquerading as a legal object
(computer, device or network) is used by hackers as a means of penetrating other computer networks. The characteristics
of modern types of spoofing and the negative consequences for business that they lead to are given. The measures taken
at the state level to counter new vectors of cybercrime development are indicated. The conclusion is substantiated that state
support and information protection measures themselves eliminate the consequences rather than the causes of high
cybercrime, which is why the security problem cannot be solved without the participation of domestic business and the
population of the country. The consolidated participation of Russian business in the fight against cybercrime is noted,
which found its concrete embodiment in the creation of the F.C.C.T. joint-stock company. The key areas of activity of
this company in the information technology market and the results of its work in 2023 are highlighted. Attention is
focused on the fact that the creation of a joint-stock company F.C.C.T. in the country does not fully solve the problem
of ensuring information security, which primarily concerns small and medium-sized business structures. It is stated that
many of them, especially in the Russian regions, are not ready to purchase information security services not only
financially, but also organizationally. Due to the low demand of entrepreneurs for vulnerability search services in the
company’s software, web applications and IT infrastructure, it is proposed to build a typical SOC that meets the most
minimal standards for combating cybercrime. An algorithm has been developed to achieve them in the form of
step-by-step implementation of simple organizational and methodological recommendations for the prevention of
cybercrimes and minimizing their consequences for small and medium-sized businesses.

Keywords: cybercrime, phishing, spoofing, hacker attack, information security, cyber threats and vulnerabilities,
small and medium-sized businesses

E. V. Yakovleva, R. G. Poldvey
Modern approaches and methods of formation and development of management
personnel in a modern IT company
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-158-164
The development of an organization operating in the field of high technologies must take into account modern
approaches and methods for the formation and development of management personnel. This is true for both
small businesses and large companies, especially those that produce complex products or  operate in high-tech
businesses. In such conditions, wh ere there is high competition and strict requirements for management and
organization of activities, the desire for continuous development and technological improvement is especially
important. This article defines the main methods for managing the formation and development of IT
management personnel in companies.

Keywords: personnel development, management, IT companies, talent management, leadership,selection,

N. M. Suray, M. A. Vasilenko
Advertising as a tool to stimulate the sales market of construction companyservices
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-165-170
The article studies the role of advertising as a tool to stimulate the market of sales of construction organization
services on the example of two large companies: PJSC «PIK C3», LLC «Donstroy». The urgency of this study
is due to the constant growth of demand for residential real estate, which requires effective marketing strategies
to attract customers. The aim of the work is to analyze the methods and techniques of advertising used by these
construction organizations. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set: to study the features of advertising
campaigns of new construction companies of economy class — PJSC «PIK C3» and business class — LLC
«Donstroy», to conduct a comparative analysis of their effectiveness, Identify the main strengths and weaknesses
of each strategy. The results of the study led to the conclusion that advertising plays a key role in the successful
promotion of services of construction organizations in the market. Each company chooses its own unique
approach to advertising, taking into account the peculiarities of its target audience and competitive

Keywords: advertising, advertising tools, business, competitors, construction organization, sales market,
target audience.

S. I. Artemyeva, О. V. Kublashvili
Development of model solutions for optimization of business processes when
implementing a quality management system
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-3-171-178
In modern-day conditions, organizations need to maintain a high standard of quality in order to meet the
ever-growing demands of consumers. In this context, the relevance of implementing quality management
systems among organizations is increasing over time. However, not all organizations are able to implement
this system in their manufacturing facilities due to the complexity of the process. To solve this problem,
an algorithm of quality management system implementation has been developed. This algorithm allows
gradual implementation of the system in the organization, and this leads to business process optimization,
allows organizations to maintain competitiveness and achieve success in a strategic perspective.

Keywords: quality management system, optimization of business processes, printing enterprise, QMS
implementation algorithm, quality management, business process management, process approach,
process effectiveness.