Vol. 5, no. 4, 2020




M. K. Alafiev
Development of material and technical base urban transport companies in Western Siberia
in years of eighth five-year plan (1966–1970)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-9-15
The article discusses the main activities of state authorities, labor collectives of transport enterprises in Western Siberia
to improve the operation of urban public transport in the region during the eighth five-year plan (1966-1970). During the
study period, the increase in the level of transport services for urban residents was directly related to measures to develop
and strengthen the material and technical base of passenger transport enterprises, technical re-equipment of automobile
and tram rolling stock, and construction of a new type of public transport in Western Siberia — the urban trolleybus. The
author comes to the conclusion that during the eighth five-year plan, urban public transport enterprises in the region
received significant material and technical development, which became the basis for increasing the volume of passenger
traffic and improving the quality of transport services for the urban population of the West Siberian region.

Keywords: urban public transport in Western Siberia, material and technical base of urban transport enterprises in the
West Siberian region, quality of transport services for the urban population of the region, the eighth five-year plan,
1966-1970, labor collectives of transport enterprises, automobile enterprises, urban electric transport.



M. S. Novikov
Tankette of the Сountry of Soviets — fr om ideas to implementation of the project. 1918–1932
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-16-24
The presented article is an analysis of the work of viet designers on light, fast, cheap and easy to manufacture, reasonably
armed and protected tracked combat vehicle — «tankette». This work reflected the difficult economic and geopolitical situation
of the USSR setting the military to develop tactical and operational measures to counter the Entente army and the Entente
expeditionary forces, the emphasis was on the mobility and low cost of equipment designed to support cavalry and infantry
units, as well as autonomous operations. The author considers both proactive developments and the implementation
of technical specifications formulated at the level of official documentation, which is part of the tank building policy, which
is formed taking into account the industrial capabilities of the specified period.

Keywords: tankette, Soviet designers, Interbellum, tank building program, the defense industry, foreign experience.



E. P. Ivanov
Development of commodity-money relations in Steppe region in the 19th century
in the reflection of Russian periodical
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-25-30
The article is devoted to the formation and development of commodity-money relations between the inhabitants
of the Russian Empire and the indigenous population of the Steppe Territory. The purpose of the article is to consider
the transformation of the image of the region, in the framework of the development of commodity-money relations
of the XIX century. As the main source of research are used periodicals of the XIX century. It is shown that the
reflection in the press of commodity-money relations is the most important factor in the integration and development
of the region, and also is one of the foundations for the formation of the image of the Steppe region in the eyes
of Russian inhabitants.

Keywords: commodity-money relations, trade, Steppe Territory, Kyrgyz-Kaisaki, North-Eastern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz,



History name

S. V. Novikov
Admiral Kolchak in Omsk: on history of Civil War in Russia and geopolitical redistribution
of Europe after First World War
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-31-41
The article is devoted to the study of the circumstances of coming to power in the anti-Bolshevik Omsk of Admiral A. V. Kolchak.
He concentrated in his hands the executive, legislative, judicial and military power becoming the Supreme Ruler of Russia and
the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The author comes to the conclusion that the appearance of A.V. Kolchak in Omsk was
a consequence of the contradictions between British and French politicians, and the admiral himself, relying on the British,
was a victim of a redivision of the world following the First World War.

Keywords: World War I, Entente, Civil War in Russia, White movement, anti- Bolshevik movement, Admiral A. V. Kolchak,




B. V. Podoroga
Essay on Bernard Stiegler’s history of mnemotechnics
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-42-47
The purpose of this article is to present history of memory techniques as it described by French philosopher Bernard Stiegler.      
It is shown that Stiegler speaks fr om the point of view of humanistic marxism arguing that the positive development
of mnemotechnics is determined by their integration into symbolic relations, outside of which they becomes a means
of consumer capitalism. History of mnemotechnics is divided on two large periods — preindustrial and industrial, where the
former is determined by the dominance of religion, politics and culture, and the latter — by the law of surplus value. It is
analyzed Stiegler’s understanding of mnemotechnics as «epiphylogenesis» or «third memory». The main features
of mnemotechnical evolution, from the first inscriptions on stone tools to today’s global digital retentional apparatus,
is reviewed.

Keywords: Bernard Stiegler, mnemotechniques, «third memory», epi-philogenesis, phylogenesis, hyperindustrial age,



N. B. Afanasov
Japanese Popular Culture and Digimodernism
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-48-56
The article addresses the socio-philosophical interpretations of Japanese popular culture. Pointing out the unique position
of the latter, the author believes that the experience of a number of successful Japanese projects that have become global
phenomena can be used by social and cultural theorists to analyze modernity. The article refers to the genesis of Japanese
popular culture in the mid-90s of the XX century, when the most popular part of Japanese pop culture in the West — anime —
embodied the postmodern canon. However, a closer look reveals that the optics of postmodernism, which by the end
of the XX century had already ceased to be advanced research optics, may not be enough for analysis. A number
of phenomena, among which the author highlights the Pokйmon media franchise, require a different research approach.
As a relevant methodological optics, the article refers to the concept of «digimodernism» by the British theorist Alan Kirby.
With the help of its main provisions, it is shown that Japanese popular culture was at the forefront of the cultural process,
offering several interesting finds to modernity. After analyzing the socio-philosophical reasons for the success of Pokйmon,
the author points out that the concept of digimodernism has some applicability for the analysis of modern cultural
phenomena, аnd a number of ideas of Alan Kirby about the autistic nature of modern digital civilization could be found
as reflected in the culture.

Keywords: socialphilosophy, theory of culture, Japanese popular culture, anime, digimodernism, postmodernism,
digitalization, Pokйmon.



Critical Notices and Comments 

B. V. Faul
Physicalism and moral responsibility: presentation of derivative consequence argument
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-57-60
In this paper, the author introduces the derivative consequence argument, which aims to demonstrate that moral responsibility
is impossible in the world wh ere physicalism and the strong realism about the laws of nature are both true. The basic intuition
of the argument is that if the laws of nature determine the events, then nobody can be responsible for those events, because
nobody is responsible for the laws of nature. This intuitive idea is formalized in the categories of derivative causation
and motion. This argument is compatible with determinism and indeterminism, and all types of physicalism.

Keywords: free will, laws of nature, compatibilism, incompatibilism, consequence argument, metaphysics, motion, physicalism,
moral responsibility.



M. A. Sekatskaya
Conditional analysis of free will and consequence argument
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-61-65
The conditional analysis of the meaning of the phrase «free will» is a classical compatibilist strategy, first introduced
by David Hume and still widely used by compatibilists. The consequence argument is an influential argument against
compatibilism. If the consequence argument is sound, then physical determinism is incompatible with alternative possibilities
for any agent. In this article, I consider the relationship between the consequence argument and classical compatibilism.
I demonstrate that the consequence argument uses premises that should be rejected by proponents of the counterfactual
conditional analysis of free will.

Keywords: free will, classical compatibilism, conditional analysis, consequence argument.



D. N. Razeev
On derivative consequence argument
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-66-68
The article gives critical remarks to the derivative consequence argument proposed by Bogdan Faul. The first critical
remark concerns the ontological status of the laws of nature, the second remark deals with the term «physicalism».
It is demonstrated that conceptual vagueness of the terms used by B. Faul in his article undermines the validity of the
proposed derivative argument.

Keywords: Bogdan Faul, physicalism, laws of nature, free will.



T. S. Demin
To what theories of laws of nature B. Faul’s argument is applicable?
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-69-71
The derivative argument of the consequences is aimed at proving the incompatibility of certain theories of the laws
of nature in conjunction with physicalism and the existence of moral responsibility. In this text, it is outlined the applicability
of this argument to the most famous theories of the laws of nature. The argument can only be directed to those theories
that are pinched by realism regarding the laws of nature. This text demonstrates that the most promising targets for
the argument are Armstrong’s theory as well as some of the nonreductive theories of the laws of nature.

Keywords: laws of nature, systems approach, theories of universals, antireductionism, derivative consequence argument.



B. V. Faul
New version of derivative consequence argument and response to objections
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-72-74
In this paper, I respond to the objections and comments, which are raised by D. Razeev, T. Demin, and M. Sekatskaya.
I provide a new formulation of the argument, which avoids all the problems mentioned by these philosophers in their
papers and at the conferences.

Keywords: derivative consequence argument, free will, laws of nature, moral responsibility.



Pros and Сons 

U. V. Dobronravova
Derek Parfit and yearning for personal identity (we do not exist, but really want to)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-75-81
The article critically represents Derek Parfit’s view on personal identity and its connection with our bodies. During
the discussion with animalists who claim that persons are identical with bodies Parfit defends Lockean view and
concludes that person isn’t identical with human being and easily can exist beyond it. Yet it seems obvious that person
isn’t identical with body, such views lead to the controversial effects. For example, Parfit claims that abortion or
euthanasia wouldn’t be a crime. This article discusses some of the most debatable basics of Parfit’s position and
suggests at least three points worth of next thinking. At first, the author highlights that the so-called psychological
criterion of personal identity is rather conventional. At second, the real experience of personal life doesn’t match with
the famous Lockean definition, because we have no any continuity. At third, D. Parfit doesn’t explain what it means
to be an animal (or human animal). If there is some biological «base» of a person (head, cerebrum, or part of
a cerebrum), it still stays an animal. In the conclusion of the article the author suggests that we are not human
beings, nor persons. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t become them.

Keywords: personality, identity, human being, human animal, Lockeanism, animalism.



D. Parfit
We Are Not Human Beings / trans. from Engl. U. V. Dobronravova
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-82-95
The article presents a comparative analysis the views on the problem of personality identity by Neo-Lockeanism
(Shoemaker, Parfit, Lewis) and Animalism (Olson, Snowden, Carter). A certain of main objections to the psychological
criterion (the problem of too many thinkers, the too many persons problem, the thinking parts problem, etc.)
are critically examined. Basic animalist intuitions are refuted by the embodied person view (McMahan).

Keywords: teletransporter, personal identity, human being, brain, animalism, psychological сriterion.




E. V. Yakovleva
Infrastructure and reproduction approach to research intellectual infrastructure
of technological development
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-96-102
The infrastructure and reproduction methodological approach is presented as a tool of research of intellectual infrastructure         
of technical and technological development of industrial enterprises in conditions of globalization of economy digitisation.
The relevance of the results of the study consists in the possibility of implementing, on the basis of the proposed approach,
many tasks of scientific and practical importance, which allow to develop methods, systems, algorithms, mechanisms
of intra-firm formation and development of the intercompany infrastructure of technologization. The essence of the
approach is to ensure system organization of personnel management of industrial enterprises to the level of management
of personnel reproduction cycles, which are infrastructure-relevant for technological development of enterprises.

Keywords: infrastructure and reproduction approach, management, personnel, technological development, methodology,
intellectual design, digitisation, digital economy, industrial development.



S. S. Dontsov, A. S. Kadyrova, S. A. Rakhimova, A. A. Nurgaliyeva, A. A. Titkov
Reforming public service of Republic of Kazakhstan as necessary condition
for effective development of national economy
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-103-112
The article emphasizes the importance of rational reforms of the public service in Kazakhstan for the successful
implementation of all major strategic plans and effective development of the national economy as a whole. The need
for permanent reform of the public service as an integral part of all administrative and state reforms is stressed.
The most important policy documents governing the reform of the public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan are
listed. Paragraph 5 of the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy, «Further strengthening of the statehood and the development
of Kazakhstan’s democracy», in which the ways of reforming the national public service are detailed in main areas,
is analyzed in sufficient detail. In the Nation’s Plan «100 Concrete Steps to Implement Five Institutional Reforms»,
the 1st and 5th reforms are considered as they are dedicated to the formation of a professional state apparatus and
an accountable state. The strategic development plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025 is also analyzed from
the perspective of reforming the public sector which is considered as the leader of the upcoming changes. Attention
is paid to issues related to the creation of a state of law without corruption. Among the main priorities of the
implementation of the Strategy are digitalization of the activities of state bodies, increasing the focus on results and
interests of citizens, as well as the modernization of consciousness in the public sector. The most important policy
documents specifying ways of reforming the public service in Kazakhstan are the President’s Addresses to the people
of Kazakhstan, wh ere special importance is attached to increasing the efficiency of public administration, fighting
corruption and ensuring the rule of law, creating a state apparatus focused on the needs of citizens.

Keywords: public service reform, effective development, professional state apparatus, accountable state,
digitalization, fight against corruption, citizens’ needs, rule of law.



I. N. Primyshev
Investment attractiveness of Republic of Crimea and its assessment
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-113-121
In the article, the author calculated the value of the investment attractiveness index for the subjects of the Russian
Federation that are part of the southern Federal district. A SWOT analysis of the investment attractiveness of the
Republic of Crimea is conducted. Measures aimed at implementing the investment development of the Republic
of Crimea are proposed. The analysis of the structure of the gross regional product by type of economic activity
is carried out. It is revealed that the largest share in the structure of the regional economy falls on the industrial
complex of the Republic of Crimea. The main tasks and measures for the strategic development of the industrial
complex of the Republic of Crimea are defined. Assessing the investment attractiveness of the region is of interest
to authorities, investors and local business communities.

Keywords: investment attractiveness, investment development, industry, Republic of Crimea.



Yu. V. Plokhikh
Separate waste collection as key to effective implementation of the «garbage» reform
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-122-127
The article considers the current problem for our country-separate collection of waste, the main source of which 
is the housing stock. It is shown that the absence of marked containers near residential buildings does not allow
sorting garbage «at the source», which hinders the further rational use of resources. The author offers a classification
of garbage collection methods used in the regions of our country, and highlights the most accessible of them.
The article indicates that due to the lack of capacity and funds, small businesses can only be involved in certain
stages of waste management that do not require expensive investments.

Keywords: waste management, separate waste collection, solid waste, containers, mobile collection points
for raw materials.



E. S. Nesterenko, V. I. Sribnyj
Prospects for social policy development of Republic of Crimea in system of coordination
of social interests at regional level
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-128-134
In this article, the authors have developed a system of goals for achieving a mechanism for coordinating state social policy 
and social interests at the regional level. Practical results of interaction of social policy and social interests are defined.
Key social problems in the Republic of Crimea are identified. Priority directions for the development of social policy
in the region in the short and long term are proposed. It is concluded that for effective social development of the Peninsula,
it is necessary to support priority sectors of the economy in a functioning state on the basis of stimulating economic activity
of the population and creating a mechanism for social adaptation of society.

Keywords: social policy, social problems, coherence of social interests, social protection.



E. V. Medvedev
The problem of youth employment in Omsk region
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2020-5-4-135-142
In this article, the author analyzes the processes associated with the employment of young professionals in the Omsk region
and also highlights the reasons why young people cannot start working. At present, the situation related to the employment
of young specialists requires serious changes and interventions, which gives rise to special interest among many scientists
and researchers. The relevance of this issue is not in doubt in connection with the strategic objectives set to reduce
the outflow of population from the region and increase regional attractiveness. The purpose of the study is to analyze
the processes related to youth employment in the Omsk region and offer recommendations for improving the current
situation. The results of the research can be used in the practical activities of regional management.

Keywords: youth, young professionals, migration, labor resources, migration flows, labor market, employment, unemployment.
