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Today international cooperation can be regarded as an effective instrument of science and education quality improvement. The main purpose of International Cooperation Office is to extend OmSTU international contacts in educational, scientific and cultural areas. The International Cooperation Office advises OmSTU departments on academic mobility and scientific research cooperation. Organization of international cooperation is also one of the main aspects of our activity as well as support for organization of international conferences, seminars and presentations.

At present over 55  international agreements are signed, among them are double degree agreements, joint research projects agreements, etc. Our partners are Universities and companies of Germany, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Portugal, Czech Republic, USA, South Korea, China, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

 Annually professors fr om both OmSTU and its partner-universities read lectures at OmSTU. Student Exchange Program allows our students to have fellowships at some Universities abroad. At the same time more than 500 foreign students study or have fellowships at OmSTU. International Cooperation Office provides the foreign students with all the necessary information about the admission procedure, visa support, and fellowships.

OmSTU is a member of international educational organizations, among them are European Association of University (EUA), International Specialized Terminology Organization (ISTO) and European Association for Terminology (EAFT).

OmSTU takes part in Erasmus + projects:

    Towards Excellence in Engineering Curricula for Dual Education   

Sustainable Development for Lifelong Learning   

University takes efforts to spreading export of educational services and become more interesting for foreign students. OmSTU has environment wh ere every student can start his way to scientific career. Nowadays university has 3 000 foreign students from more than 10 countries.

Another direction of OmSTU international activity is developing of international youth cooperation. In the frame of this cooperation OmSTU realized different humanitarian projects such as Summer School of Russian Language and Country Studies and Russian Chinese Youth Business Incubator.


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Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Technical University"

Mira, h. 11 Omsk, Russian Federation, 644050 phone: +7 (3812) 65-34-07 Fax .: +7 (3812) 65-26-98 e-mail:

Selection committee:
phone: +7 (3812) 72-90-55


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