Vol. 4, no. 4, 2019




A. V. Sushko, D. I. Petin
Battles for memory: on the issue of memorializing the name of Admiral A. V. Kolchak in Omsk

A. A. Fomenkov
Anti-alcohol campaign in Gorky region in perestroika time     

O. V. Grigoriev
Armed conflict in the Khalkhin-Gol region: issues of military justice

V. V. Kalinovsky, I. V. Petrov, A. S. Puchenkov
«Denikin’s» Church Council in works on latest Russian archeography   

M. S. Novikov, S. V. Novikov
The colonial policy of Morocco and Mauritania in Western Sahara: geopolitical and military aspects

I. I. Krott
Conflict behavior in the rural community of Siberia: agricultural entrepreneurs and «Kyrgyz population»
in context of socio-cultural transformations of late XIX–early XX centuries

А. D. Moiseenko
The structure / anti-structure of October Revolution celebration on late Soviet periodical press (on materials from Tomsk)   

Hystory Name 

S. V. Novikov
Mikhail Nikolaevich Apletaev — teacher, leader, scientist. From history of education in the Omsk region (1950s–2010s)

L. A. Bodrova, D. I. Petin
From Volmar to Omsk by roads of service: to the biography of State Councilor G. Ya. Galkin (1861–1919)   

Historical archive 

A. V. Ganin
«Our military organization ... continues to consider you as leader»: the letter and report to General M. V. Alekseev
about the white underground in Kazan and Tsaritsyn. 1918   


E. N. Yarkova
Utilitarianism in Russia, or May moral of utility be regulator for contemporary Russian society?

Critical Notices and Comments       

A. V. Nekhaev
Moral passion and legal positivism: reply to Anton Didikin     

A. B. Didikin
Moral judgments and validity of law

In Memoria Classica       

I. N. Nekhaeva
Arthur Danto and Art world


V. N. Ivanov, E. V. Yakovleva
Creative leadership of Manager as managerial competence: value-oriented approach. Part II

I. A. Kulkova, N. P. Neklyudova
Provision with time and its use as essential households resource

N. M. Kalinina, E. V. Khrapova, N. A. Kulik, S. V. Taruta
Development of universal integrated system of comparative rating of management companies in Russia 

E. V. Bakiko, V. S. Serdyuk, E. V. Yakovleva
Socio-economic impact of adverse working conditions and their differentiation    

E. G. Khodzhayan
Management of cross-functional processes in culture institution   

A. E. Demyanenko
Assessment of potential for economic growth and development of regions of Siberian Federal District