Летняя академия химических наук - Summer Academy of Chemical Sciences


                 Omsk State Technical University welcomes foreign citizens for the Summer Academy of Chemical Sciences!

Spend this summer in the heart of Siberia. Study specialized topics of Chemical Engineering while meeting new friends and absorbing Russian culture.

When: August, 15 – August, 30, 2021

Where: Omsk, Omsk State Technical University

Who can enroll: Students of Bachelor (senior students), Master or Doctoral programs related to chemical engineering, technological equipment and processes, mechanics, and automated engineering; professors and specialists engaged in petrochemical engineering and chemistry

Costs: Participation fee amounts to 440€ and includes local transfer, board, accommodation, and educational and cultural program. All other related expenses, such as flights, visa fee, and personal expenses are expected to be covered additionally.

What are the activities?

Educational program

Educational program includes tailored lectures, seminars, and roundtables. The students will work together with scientists and doctoral students on topics of current interest in research and development. Major units of educational program will include the following topics:

Unit 1: Development of Digital Twins using CAE-system ANSYS. Students will get acquainted with basics of digital twins design which are meant for analysis of operational processes and characteristics of technological equipment, determination of potential errors in equipment’s operation, parametric analysis implementation, and forecasting equipment’s behavior when its characteristics change, for example, due to wear. The seminars will also include analysis of digital twins examples in ANSYS, such as air filter with short diffuser, interstage coolers for reciprocating compressor, and compressor stage with semi-open axial radial impeller.

Unit 2:  Advanced petroleum refining. Key topics of classes include refining methods, petroleum composition, products of processing, pyrolysis, catalytic cracking and reforming, isomerization, alkylation.

Unit 3: Pinch analysis in chemical engineering. The lectures will cover such topics as design of resource- and energy-efficient chemical and technical systems using pinch method, design of temperature cascades.

Unit 4: Thermodynamics of vapour-liquid. The course includes lectures and seminars on pure materials characteristics, steam pressure, boiling point, properties of gases and liquids, and equilibrium of the liquid-vapor system in mixtures.

Unit 5: Modern analysis methods in chemical engineering. Main topics of this course include general characteristics of instrumental methods of analysis, spectral analysis methods, Atomic and molecular absorption analyzes, IR spectroscopy.

Unit 6: Numerical methods and its possibilities. Considered topics: finite element analysis, design of 3D models, grid models, calculation of complex models, scanners, photopolymerization, laser sintering.

Unit 7: Low-flow reciprocating compressor units of medium and high pressure. The lectures will be related to the following topics: assessment of the prospects for creating medium-pressure single-stage piston compressor units; impact of piston movement law on the energy and dynamic of a single-stage compressor unit during compression of various gases; unified low-speed long-stroke stages; features of the engineering calculation of single-stage low-speed compressor compression stages.

The whole course consists of 40 hours of lectures and workshops on different aspect of chemical and petrochemical engineering. Typically, 1 ECTS credit is 25-30 of contact hours. Therefore, students will get 1,5 ECTS credits.

Cultural and recreational program

Our cultural program is designed to cover main aspects of daily life in Russia and specifically Siberia. The program is comprehensive and includes excursions, presentations, introductory lectures, tours, and sightseeing.


  • Historical park “Russia is my history” - one of the biggest historical exposition complexes. It has 4 multimedia exhibitions that cover Russia’s most important historical periods fr om year 862 till our days. Participants can learn about Russia’s history using sensor screens and tables, visiting movie theaters and watching digital historical reconstructions.
  • Omsk State Museum of Local History – one of the first and best museums when it comes to learning facts about Omsk. Being founded in 1878, the museum offers several displays on archeology, nature, and ethnic aspects of Omsk region, as well as historical quests, games, and theatrical excursions.
  • Heart of Siberia: Introduction to Omsk – a series of presentations and other activities regarding Omsk history and culture.
  • Modern Russia: domestic and international affairs – a series of lectures and interactive activities on modern role of Russia on the global stage, as well as on major historic events and figures.


  • Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after Alexander Pushkin - this is the main public scientific library of the region, which history dates back to 1907.  Participants will get to know the library’s educational and cultural activities, as well as enjoy the majestic architecture of the building. 
  • Omsk State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Siberian Antiquity” - a unique cultural open-air museum of “live history”. The museum welcomes visitors who will be able to learn about Omsk history, culture, architecture, crafts, archeology and nature. Visitors can participate in interactive excursions, wedding rites, and master-classes on traditional crafts.
  • Omsk State Theatre of Puppet “Harlequin” - one of the oldest puppet theatres in Russia founded in 1936. The theater holds theatrical shows for youngest of the viewers and conducts various excursions wh ere participants will get to know the history of puppet art and will have an opportunity to make their own puppet.
  • Omsk Regional Museum of Fine Arts named after Mikhail Vrubel - a museum founded in 1924 and located at the Governor-general mansion. The museum has collections of foreign and Russian art from antiquity to our days. It has 17 exhibition halls, among which you can find unusual miniatures made by Omsk talented artist and micro miniature master Anatolij Konenko, who is the first one to master this art in Siberia.


  • Achair nunnery - this is an orthodox nunnery located at Achair settlement, which is located 200 km from Omsk. You can find 7 churches, 5 chapels, monastic cells, a refectory, a hostel for pilgrims, and unique hot tubs at the territory of the nunnery. Participants will learn about the hard fate of this place, which was once even a Gulag forced labor camp.
  • Uspenskiy Cathedral - this is an orthodox cathedral located at the heart of Omsk and is one of the most visited places in the city. Participants will learn about its history and architecture.


  • Group of Companies “Titan” - one of the biggest companies in Siberia engaged in production of synthetic rubber, phenol, agricultural and other products. Participants will visit the company’s laboratories and get acquainted with company’s products and history at museum exposition.
  • AB InBev Efes - a Russian branch of Belgian brewing corporation AB InBev. Participants will be acquainted with the history of the company, beer production process and sorts of beer, as well as get an opportunity to taste different kinds of beverages.
  • Scientific and production association MIR – an instrument-engineering factory, mostly engaged in design of automated energy metering systems, engineering, energy consulting, and electrical and engineering equipment.

Topic-related companies and laboratories

  • Centre of New Chemical Technologies of Catalysis Institute of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences – one of the key research institutions of Omsk; main research interests include mechanisms of hydrocarbons chemical transformations, including in catalytic processes, development of new catalysts and technologies for chemical processing of hydrocarbons of oil and gas origin, and chemical aspects of creating new structural and functional carbon materials.
  • OmSTU scientific and educational resource center “Chemical engineering and new materials” - research fields of this center include chemical engineering, fine organic synthesis, particulate and porous material texture, including adsorbents and catalyzers, computational chemistry, surface physical and chemical processes modeling, and chemical sensors.
  • OmSTU scientific and educational resource center “Chemical and oil and gas machine engineering” – the center includes such laboratories as compressor equipment and technology; cryogenic and vacuum equipment, pumps, gas separation and liquefaction systems; refrigerating equipment, conditioning and life support systems; chemical industry processes, machines and devices; computer technology in engineering;    technological systems and units
  • Energy company “Gazprom” - this is a global energy company, one of the biggest players in Russian oil and gas industry. Participants will have an opportunity to learn about the company’s products, production process and role on Russian and worldwide petrochemical arena.

How to apply?

The participants should send the following documents (in English) to summerschoolomgtu@mail.ru:

Letter of Intent

Application Form

Curriculum Vitae (1 page)

Copy of Passport (page with the photo)

Motivation Letter (1 page)

Academic Transcript

For further information:

Email: summerschoolomgtu@mail.ru

Tel.: 8(3812)65-64-92

Опубликовано: Администратор ОмГТУ
Опубликовано: ЦТКиВТ ОмГТУ

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