Vol. 9, no. 2, 2024




S. V. Novikov
The Russian Public Movement: program positions and place in the political spectrum
of Russia (1994–1996)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-5-13
The article is devoted to the activities of the Russian Public Movement, the analysis of the provisions of its Program
and the identification of a place in the political spectrum of both the West Siberian region and the Russian
Federation as a whole. The analysis of the transformation program is carried out with full consideration of the political
activities of the Russian Public Movement and related organizations, as well as their structural units in the election
campaigns of the mid-1990s. Referring to various sources of information, such as archive collections, the public
press, reference publications, scientific articles and analytical materials, the author of the work aims to analyze
the programmatic provisions of the Russian Public Movement, restoring a complex picture of its participation in the
political events of the second half of the 1990s, to identify its place in the changing picture of the political forces of the Russian
Federation. The analysis allows us to conclude that the Russian Public Movement was the result of the dispersion
of the electorate of the Congress of Russian Communities, between many insignificant parties and movements that were
artificially brought to participate in the elections. The further activity of the movement was associated with the
presidential elections of the Russian Federation in 1996. The political fate of the movement reflected the evolution
of the views of the ruling elite on the formation of their political image against the background of the rejection of the liberal
doctrine by the population.

Keywords: national organizations, concepts of economic development, state-legal theories, «red belt», election campaigns,
Russian Public Movement, Omsk region.


S. A. Papkov
Transforming Novosibirsk into the capital of Siberia in the early 1920s
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-14-21
The development of Novonikolaevsk (Novosibirsk) and its transformation into a city of all-Siberian importance
is connected with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway and the growth of the city's economy due
to its favorable geographical location. The decision about Novonikolayevsk as a residence of Siberia's governing bodies
was made in a hurry, with the resistance of various interested parties and was finally approved in the spring of 1921
in the conditions of acute crisis caused by the consequences of the civil war. In such an environment the mass transfer
from Omsk and the organization of all-Siberian institutions in Novonikolaevsk began, with the simultaneous creation
of provincial government bodies in the city as well. As a result, this led to enormous problems with the
 accommodation of numerous employees with their families and strenuous efforts to overcome the housing crisis. Radical
measures were taken to solve the difficulties: emergency commissions were setup to search for and distribute
premises, mass evictions outside the city of residents not connected with service in Soviet institutions were carried
out. But these measures had only a minor effect – the housing crisis and the shortage of office space persisted for decades.

Keywords: Siberia, Siberian Revolutionary Committee, administrative center,
Novonikolaevsk, relocation, housing crisis.


A. V. Sushko
The icon of Ukrainian Nazis: on the question of the historical assessment of the «heroes»
under the Protection of the Virgin Mary and their modern admirers
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-22-32
The study is based on a source analysis (external criticism) of a modern icon of Ukrainian nationalists, on which,
under the Protection of the Virgin Mary, among other historical figures, Greek Catholic metropolitans
Andrei Sheptytsky and Joseph Slipyi are depicted, as well as the leaders of the OUN-UPA (organizations recognized
as extremist in Russia and banned) Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych. A historical assessment of the activities
and the presence of these figures who collaborated with the German Nazis on the icon is given. The main emphasis is on
the interaction of the depicted «heroes» with the NSDAP, SS, SD and Gestapo, found guilty of crimes against humanity
by the International Military Tribunal. In addition to the image itself, which became the reason for writing this article,
the source for the study is the forensic investigative documentation of the Soviet state security agencies, during and after
the end of the Great Patriotic War, interrogating captured employees of the German special services, Ukrainian
nationalists and witnesses to their war crimes. The presence of specific common features in the biographies depicted
on the icon of Nazi criminals has been established. The author emphasizes that people who publicly glorify Ukrainian
nationalists through an icon are subject to Article 4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Racial Discrimination, which requires states parties to the Convention to prosecute them.

Keywords: Ukrainian nationalism, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Uniates, Orthodox Church of Ukraine, OUN-UPA,
special services, Andrey Sheptytsky, Joseph Slipyi, Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych.


A. S. Lizogub
Keeping the memory of Napoleonic wars: forms of international
cooperation between Russia and the German Empire at the
beginning of the twentieth century
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-33-41
The article is devoted to the characteristics of the main forms of international cooperation used at the beginning
of the twentieth century keeping the memory of significant events in military history. Based on archival documents, press
materials and personal testimonies, the preparation, semantic content and attitude of society towards Russia's participation
in commemorative projects implemented on the territory of the German Empire on the eve of the First World War
are analyzed. The focus is on considering the features and problems of building narratives about the joint military past
of the two empires within the framework of the international exhibition in Breslau and the opening of monuments in Leipzig.
The author concluded that the implementation of commemorative projects dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the
victory in the Napoleonic wars is influenced by the existing system of international relations. Behind the scenes
of the grandiose celebrations was hidden the desire of the German Empire to provide a historical justification for
its foreign policy course. For the Russian state, participation in joint projects provided an opportunity to remind Europe
of its role in the international arena and the strength of the army. Promising directions for further research of the
problem are outlined.

Keywords: politics of memory, commemorative practices, international cooperation, places of memory, Napoleonic wars,
battle of Leipzig, Russian Empire, German Empire.


M. S. Novikov
The development of Russian federalism in the 1990s (on the example of the Omsk region)
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-42-49
In the framework of the presented article, the author analyzes the process of management transformation in the
Omsk region in the 1990s as the formation of federalism in the Russian Federation. Later, the author of the article plans
to carry out similar work in relation to the Altai Territory and the Tyumen region. Based on the available scientific
developments and introducing into circulation a wide range of sources, the author of the work identifies the features of the
development of federalism in the Omsk region within the framework of the system of socio-political and economic
relations. Omsk region had serious industrial and agricultural potential, but also raw materials problems, exacerbated by the
transition to market relations. The local leadership put forward the idea of regionalization of economic reform,
which required the presence of a strong authoritarian business executive in power. But the active privatization carried
out by external forces led to rapid bankruptcy, which did not suit the local leadership, and the population is not satisfied
with the decline in living standards. In the Omsk region, this situation leads to increased support for left-wing 
parties. As part of the national administrative construction, the Azov German National District was created in the
Omsk region. The idea of creating the territorial autonomy of the Siberian Tatars, triggered by the process
of privatization of the oil industry, was stopped by transferring it to owners living outside the Omsk region.

Keywords: Russian federalism, regionalism, political struggle, «Red belt», national autonomy, economic reforms,
Omsk region, L. K. Polezhaev.


I. S. Silchenko
The features of reconnaissance operations of the 3rd brigade of the Russian expeditionary
corps on the Western front. December 1916–March 1917
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-50-56
The article analyzes the preparation and conduct of reconnaissance operations in the area of the French commune
of Aubйrive using the example of two regiments of the 3rd Special Infantry Brigade of the Russian Expeditionary
Forces in France. The common and unique features of the French front inherent in the activities of the Russian troops
are highlighted. The basis of the research is a set of unpublished sources from the collections of the Russian State
Military Historical Archive, the Bakhmetyev Archive of Columbia University (USA), the archive of the Russian Cultural
Center (USA). The author notes that, despite the inconsistency of the actions of artillery and infantry, the raids were
quite well thought out, this allowed not only to carry out a combat mission, but also to save personnel.

Keywords: Russian Imperial Army, Russian Expeditionary Force, France, military intelligence, military stratagem.



A. N. Steblyanskaya
The Semenov-Znamensky family in Harbin. Materials for the biography
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-50-56
Continuity of generations is a very serious issue for Harbin residents. Harbin residents have always tried to preserve the
memory of their ancestors. Preserving the history of Russian emigration has a high relevance of the problem. The history
of many Russian families is connected with Harbin, wh ere there was the largest Russian diaspora. Nowadays this city is
the administrative center of the Chinese province of Heilongjiang. We should not forget about the people who built the
Chinese Eastern Railway, as well as about the Russian emigrants who lived in Harbin, but kept the image of Russia in
their hearts and contributed enough to Russian culture and science. The purpose of this paper is to study the Russian
emigrants life in Harbin and to restore contact with their descendants. The article uses historical and system analysis
and bibliographic research method. The paper tells about the amazing life of Nikolai Nikolaevich Znamensky: his childhood
in Harbin, his relatives, his move to the USSR, his admiration of nowadays China, and also focuses on the message
of Nikolai Nikolaevich Znamensky to modern Harbin residents.

Keywords: Harbin, emigration, USSR, Chinese Eastern Railway, Russian Club in Harbin, Russian Scientific Research
Center «Harbin», Semenov-Znamensky family in Harbin.


K. A. Tishkina
Commemorative events in the Omsk region (1937) on the occasion of 100th anniversary
of death of A. S. Pushkin
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-67-73
One of the significant events of 1937 in the USSR was the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the death of A. S. Pushkin,
which contributed to attracting the attention of Soviet citizens to the life and work of the poet. The purpose of this work is to
examine the process of organizing and holding Pushkin Days in settlements of the Omsk region. The choice of the region
is connected with the coverage of a large territory, which was inhabited by different populations. The research is based on a
number of unpublished documents from the funds of the Historical Archive of the Omsk region, as well as materials of
the periodical press of the Omsk region for 1936–1937. In conclusion, it is noted that the celebration of the anniversary of the
poet's death significantly influenced the development of cultural life in the USSR, helped to attract the population to the
problem of illiteracy, attracted the indigenous population of Siberia to participate in the event.

Keywords: A. S. Pushkin, Omsk region, Omsk, Pushkin committee, memorialization,
cultural life.

A. D. Averkiev
Sources on the history of monasteries of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese in the XVIII century:
types and characteristics of information potentials
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-74-81
The article provides a detailed description of archival historical sources about the life, economic activity and daily life
of the monasteries of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese in the XVIII century. The relevance of the study is to expand
the understanding of the information potential of insufficiently studied archival funds on this issue. The theoretical basis
of the research is a combination of an institutional approach, the principle of consistency and a comparative historical
method. This methodological set made it possible, by identifying and processing the sources, to establish that
the transformations in the church structure radically changed the nature and types of historical sources containing
information about the administration, economy and internal life of monasteries.

Keywords: historical sources, Russian Orthodox Church, Nizhny Novgorod diocese, monasteries, church life.


I. V. Makarov
The introduction of the metric system of weights and measures in the Omsk district in the 1920s
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-82-87
The article is devoted the process metric reform of the 1920s, which is one of the most important parts of the history
of Russian and Siberian metrology and an integral part of the socio-economic modernization of the USSR, in the Omsk
district. The purpose of the article is to establish the circumstances of the metric reform in the Omsk district, as well as
to identify the problems and difficulties that arose during the transition to the metric system of weights and measures.
The main sources for writing the article are the files of the funds the Historical Archive of Omsk Region, primarily the fund
of the Omsk Chamber of Weights and Measures; the files from State Archive of Novosibirsk Region are also used. The article
describes the process of transition to the metric system in the Omsk district through the activities of the district
interdepartmental metric commission and the verification chamber of weights and measures. Based on the results of
the study, conclusions are drawn about the progress of the metric reform in the Omsk district.

Keywords: Early Soviet Period, metric reform, metrication, Omsk province, Omsk district.


E. I. Mikhailenko
The Vice-governor in the system of the administrative elite of steppe regions in the West Siberian
and Steppe General-Governorships in the second half of the XIX–beginning of XX century
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-88-96  
The article analyzes the position of Vice-governor in the system of administrative elite of Akmola, Semipalatinsk
and Semirechensk regions of the Russian Empire. Using the normative-legal base of local institutions of these regions,
the «formal» position of officials in this position in the general structure of administrative power is characterized.
Management in steppe regions is characterized by remoteness of territories from the center of decision-making, high share
of nomadic population, marginal position. In this regard, the peculiarities of the position of Vice-governors in the steppe
regions and in the interior of Russia are revealed. One of the important features of the service of these officials is the
combination of military and civil power in the steppe regions and the lack of a clear division of responsibilities between 
the elements of the administrative elite. For the socio-cultural characterization of the composition of the Vice-governor
corps we used the form lists and personal files of officials kept in the archives: the Historical Archive of the Omsk Region,
the Russian State Historical Archive and the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These data are published
for the first time. The article concludeswith a socio-cultural portrait of a typical Vice-governor of a steppe region, an analysis
of the typical career trajectories of the official and a comparison of the scope of authority with similar officials from internal
Russian provinces.

Keywords: historical anthropology, collective portrait, prosopography, Vice-governor, West Siberian Governor-General,
Steppe Governor-General, Steppe region, Akmola region.


History Name


M. V. Krotova
«Siberian Satrap» M. M. Lashevich and his death in Harbin
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-97-105
The article is dedicated to the Soviet politician M. M. Lashevich (1884–1928), a participant in the revolution and
the Civil War, chairman of the Siberian Revolutionary Committee. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that his
activities as a fellow chairman of the Board of the CER in 1926–1928 little known, as are the causes of death in Harbin.
The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the final period of Lashevich’s life in the context of the Soviet presence in China,
with emphasis placed on the perception of Lashevich’s personality by Russian emigration in Manchuria, the circumstances
of his death and posthumous biography using an anthropological approach and the biographical method. The research
is based on unpublished sources, ego-documents and periodical materials from Harbin. The author emphasizes that the
study of such extraordinary figures as Lashevich is important not only for understanding Soviet policy in China, but also
for clarifying the problems of perception and assessment of the activities of Soviet leaders by ideological opponents.

Keywords: historical anthropology, Jews, M. M. Lashevich, CER, Manchuria, Harbin, Russian
emigration, Russian Revolution, Civil War.



Critical Notices and Comments

R. L. Kochnev
Teletransporter and other troubles
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-106-111
The article is a commentary on the work of Alexey Kardash Teletransporter and Origami. It critically analyses
the objections to the survival of the person in teleportation: about hidden dualism, about violation of cause-and-effect
relations and about reflexive predicament. To answer, a reconstruction of Javier Hidalgo’s views presented in Survival
of Teleportation is used. It is concluded that the objections raised by Alexey Kardash are problematic.

Keywords: personal identity, teleportation, causation, Parfit, survival.



S. Kahn        
Kant and the trolley / trans. from Engl. A. V. Nekhaev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-112-119
The article explores the applicability of Kant’s ethics, which prohibited the use people as mere means, in solutions
to various Trolley problem scenarios. Based on the distinction between notions ‘using as mere means’ and ‘treating
as mere means’, the precise requirements of Kant’s prohibition are reconstructed.

Keywords: Kant, trolley problem, deontology, Kant’s prohibition, formula of humanity,
categorical imperative.



S. Holm, J. Lewis      
Abortion: pro et contra / trans. from Engl. A. V. Nekhaev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-120-131
The article provides a critical review of some of the most common arguments actively used in the abortion debate.
Based on the notion of moral personhood, the main groups of such arguments (no full moral status, full moral
status, and gradualism) are identified and characterized. Separate consideration is given to the right of pregnant women
to abortion, the legal defense of the fetus' right to life, and the practice of using the medical concept of viability in law.

Keywords: induced abortion, moral status arguments, abortion laws, rights of pregnant
women, fetal viability.



A. R. Galloway
The autism of reason / trans. from Engl. Z. M. Neustroev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-132-140
The article examines the key principles of Franзois Laruelle’s non-philosophical project and analyzes
it comparatively with the Kantian categories of a priori, a posteriori, analytical and synthetic. It discovers certain
parallels between the a priori and transcendental account of non-philosophy, its theory of subjectivity and autistic
perception of the real.

Keywords: non-philosophy, a priori, subject, Ego, One, Laruelle, Kant.

C. McGinn
The concept of a person / trans. from Engl. A. V. Nekhaev
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-141-145
The essay contains a critique of the metaphysical ways to use of the term ‘person’. Since the term does
not designate any natural kind, philosophers must abandon the question ‘what constitutes the continued
existence of a person?’. It’s just a bad question. All well-defined questions about identity (‘what is human
animal identity?’, ‘what is human mind identity?’, and so on) should formulate only in terms of natural kinds.
Keywords: person, quasi person, personal identity, natural kinds, phase sortals.



A. E. Miller, N. S. Rudenko
Modeling the digital transformation of industrial holdings
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-146-15
The article reflects the achieved results of research on methodological provisions related to the application
of economic models in the digital transformation of industrial holdings. The methodology of using economic
models under consideration made it possible to identify the target orientation and the main tasks of digital
transformation. The characteristic features of the proposed methodology should be considered: generalization
of the signs of digital transformation; argumentation of distinctive properties that affect the development 
of economic models in the digital transformation of industrial holdings. The studied aspects make it possible
to clarify the conceptual provisions of the classical theory of digital transformation of economic systems, in
terms of studying problematic situations arising in the process of digital transformation of industrial holdings,
as well as substantiating concepts such as modeling, digital transformation, models of digital transformation 
of industrial systems, to highlight the main stages of development of digital transformation of industrial systems.
As part of the methodological implementation of the proposed methodology, an instrumental approach
is considered that allows to systematize the tools of digital transformation of industrial systems in the context
of digital business models, digital technologies and platform solutions, as well as to argue the key features
of each of the tools. The advantage of the instrumental approach is the possibility of studying the established
economic models of digital transformation and substantiating the author's model of digital transformation
of an industrial holding. The proposed modeallows you to: optimize the configuration of manufactured
products and processes of its life cycle in terms of optimizing the added value of an industrial holding; 
integrate systems and processes, as well as the value chain of an industrial holding, the components
 of which are: optimization of production, environmental safety, cost reduction, asset productivity,  
improvement, profitability growth and increase in the value of the holding.

Keywords: industrial holding, technological transformation, modeling, technologies,
instrumental approach, industry.


N. M. Kalinina, E. A. Balashova
Planning the audit of results of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise:
organizational and methodological aspect of auditing expenses
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-153-163
This article discusses current issues related to planning an audit of the financial results of a business entity, 
in particular, it outlines organizational and methodological approaches to auditing expenses. The authors
summarized the existing methods for auditing various groups of company expenses, systematized the
experience of conducting audits taking into account the norms of the current legislation of the 
Russian Federation. The author's vision of the organizational and methodological design of planning
an expense audit is proposed, an audit program is developed, a list of auditor working documents
is generated, and practical recommendations are given.

Keywords: accounting, audit, auditor, costs, methodology, audit report, audit program.


E. V. Medvedev
Incompetent managers — modern realities in Russian companies
DOI: 10.25206/2542-0488-2024-9-2-164-169
In the article, the author raises the question of the incompetence of modern managers. The purpose of the
study is to analyze such a category as managers, as well as to identify the reasons for their incompetence
and offer recommendations for improving the situation. In conclusion, the author draws a conclusion about the
work done and proposes a set of measures to increase the level of competence of our managers. The results
of the study can be used in the practical activities of the country's enterprises, as well as in the authorities.

Keywords: the concept of a manager, manager, administrative and managerial personnel, 
enterprise personnel, competence, personnel training, labor resources.
