Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Society. History. Modernity». ISSN 2542-0488 (Print). ISSN 2541-7983 (Online)
Рус. |
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Series “Society. History. Modernity” until December 31, 2015 was an integral part of the journal “Omsk Scientific Bulletin” (ISSN 1813-8225).
Frequency - 4 issues per year.
Journal Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series “Society. Story. Modernity" included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals in the following scientific specialties: 5.2. Economy 5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economics (economic sciences), 5.2.6. Management (economic sciences), 5.6. Historical sciences 5.6.1. Domestic history (historical sciences), 5.6.5. Historiography, source studies, methods of historical research (historical sciences), 5.7. Philosophy 5.7.1. Ontology and theory of knowledge (philosophical sciences), 5.7.7. Social and political philosophy (philosophical sciences) |
Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Society. History. Modernity» is published by the Flagship University of the Omsk region scientific peer-reviewed journal of academic research on the scientific areas of «History», «Philosophy», «Economics». The editors support interdisciplinary research by publishing their results.
Accepting materials on the declared scientific directions, special attention is paid by the editors of the journal to the processes of historical and socio-economic development of Omsk Irtysh Land. The journal publishes original research articles, as well as interviews with famous scientists who visited Omsk; scientific reviews/analysis; translation of works of foreign specialists with commentary articles to them; historical sources with commentary to them. The publication is aimed at researchers and university professors, graduate and doctoral students, local historians, as well as a wide circle of readers interested in various topics in the field of modern humanities and socio-economic sciences.
For citation:
Original name of the journal in Russian Омский научный вестник. Серия Общество. История. Современность |
Transliterated Journal TitleOmskiy nauchnyy vestnik. Seriya Obshchestvo. Istoriya. Sovremennost’ |
- History
- Philosophy
- Economy
The publisher of the journal is the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Technical University"
Publisher's address: 644050, Omsk region, Omsk, Prospekt Mira, 11.
Phone: +7 (3812) 65-32-08, E-mail:
The Omsk Scientific Bulletin is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor)
Mass Media Registration Certificate «ПИ № ТУ55-00555» from 29.03.2017 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology,
and Mass Media, Omsk region
The journal is included in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK), the journal Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series. "Society. History. Modernity” included to the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of the dissertation should be published for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Science.
The mission of the journal
The journal considers its main mission as forming a broad discussion and communication platform among researchers working in the field of humanities and social and economic sciences today. Special attention is paid by the editors of the journal to the processes of historical and socio-economic development of Omsk Irtysh Land.
Goals of the journal:
1. Publication of the results of independent and original research, thematically related to the field of «History», «Philosophy», «Economics».2. Stimulation of scientific discussions in the field of humanities and social and economic sciences and promotion of development of a theoretical dictionary and the language of humanities and socio-economic sciences through a network of interdisciplinary dialogues.
3. Involving young researchers and teachers in the scientific life and professional community.
4. Assistance to development of the institute of independent scientific expertise and the formation of the expert community in the field of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences.
5. Formation of a corpus of scientific materials in the interests of development of the educational process in the field of humanitarian and socio-economic sciences.
Since 2016 the journal is published as an independent periodical.
Editorial board of the journal Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Society. History. Modernity» invites interested authors to submit their materials for consideration of them
for possible publication. Both Russian and foreign researchers are invited to cooperate.
For 2025:
First half-year:
Planned publication of the Vol. 10, no. 1 — February 2025
Planned publication of the Vol. 10, no. 2 — May 2025
Second half of the year:
Scheduled release Vol. 10, no. 3 — September 2025
Scheduled release Vol. 10, no. 4 — December 2025
When a significant number of articles are received by the editorial office, their acceptance for the next issue may end ahead of schedule. In this case, the article is transferred to the next issue of the journal.
Authors are not provided with a printed version of the journal.
The Journal does not charge paper submission, processing or publication fee from authors or authors' institutions.
The electronic version of the journal is available on the following websites: