Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering». ISSN 2588-0373 (Print). ISSN 2587-764X (Online)


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Frequency - 4 issues per year.

Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series "Aircraft-rocket and power engineering" included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals in the following scientific specialties:

 2.4. Energy and electrical engineering
 2.4.5. Energy systems and complexes (technical sciences)

 2.4.8. Machines and apparatuses, processes of refrigeration and cryogenic engineering (technical sciences)

 2.5. Mechanical engineering
2.5.10. Hydraulic machines, vacuum, compressor technology, hydro and pneumatic systems (technical sciences)

  2.5.11. Ground transport and technological means and complexes (technical sciences) 

  2.5.13. Design, construction, production, testing and operation of aircraft (technical sciences)

  2.5.15. Thermal, electric rocket engines and power plants of aircraft (technical sciences)

 Scientific BulletinSeries «Aviation-Rocket and Power Engineering
is a scientific peer-reviewed journal. The main results of scientific research of scientists and practitioners not only of the Omsk region, but other regions of Russia and foreign countries are represented.

Since 2023, the journal has been publishing articles in the following specialties :

2.6. Chemical Technology, Materials Sciences, Metallurgy

2.6.17. Materials Science

Articles have RSCI status.

For citation:
Original name of the journal in Russian                      
Омский научный вестник.
Серия Авиационно-ракетное и энергетическое машиностроение
Transliterated Journal Title
Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik. 
Seriya Aviatsionno-raketnoye i energeticheskoye mashinostroyeniye
The main sections of the journal:

  • Energy and chemical engineering
  • Aviation and rocket and space technology
  • Material science and processing technology

The publisher of the journal is the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Technical University"
Publisher's address: 644050, Omsk region, Omsk, Prospekt Mira, 11.
Phone: +7 (3812) 65-32-08, E-mail:

The Omsk Scientific Bulletin is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor)
Mass Media Registration Certificate «ПИ № ТУ55-00569» from 17.05.2018 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology,
and Mass Media, Omsk region

The journal is included in the database of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK), the journal Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series. "Aviation-rocket and power engineering" included to the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of the dissertation for the competition should be published
degree of Candidate of Science, for the degree of Doctor of Science.

Subscription index in the catalog of subscription editions of the «Pressa Rossii» is 80583.

The journal's policy is aimed at acquainting researchers, practitioners, university professors with the results of theoretical and experimental research in the field of  aviation and rocket and space technology; power engineering and chemical engineering. The main content of the publication is original scientific articles and scientific reviews.

For 2025:

First half-year:

Scheduled admission of articles for the first issue of the 2025 — until February 5, 2025 (planned publication of the journal — March 2025).            
Scheduled receipt of articles for the second issue of 2025 — until April 15, 2025 (planned publication of the journal — June 2025). 

Second half of the year:

Scheduled acceptance of articles for the third issue of the 2024 — until August 10, 2025 (scheduled publication of the journal — October 2025).
The scheduled acceptance of articles for the fourth issue of 2024  until October 10, 2025 (the planned publication of the journal December 2025).

When a significant number of articles are received by the editorial office, their acceptance for the next issue may end ahead of schedule.
In this case, the article is transferred to the next issue of the journal.

Authors are not provided with a printed version of the journal.

The Journal does not charge paper submission, processing or publication fee from authors or authors' institutions.

The electronic version of the journal is available on the following websites: